Chapter 59

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The day at the water park was a blast, and draining. By the time Gordon and I returned to the hotel, I was beat, bushed, tired, worn out, exhausted, and any other word I could come up with to describe how disheveled I felt. I could see by his face and the way he walked, the same was true of my boyfriend.

Concubine, he'd called me that when we went to the stairs up at the water park. If the person manning the entry had called him on that, he wouldn't have been able to prove that; not that lying about my being his concubine was illegal or anything, unless of course he was married, and either didn't have his wife's permission (in writing) to have an outside lover or already had a concubine without the afore mentioned permission signed by both girls. Laws are complicated.

Gordon had this tendency, and I supported it and was trying to fully implement it in my new world. He didn't say things unless he could support them in some form. I went to my backpack, the one thing that I'd packed myself, it was my version of a purse most girls carried unless they were butch like me. I pulled out my ID and the Imperial ID booklet which was the full version of the smaller drivers license sized card.

Flipping to the information page, which was the back of the first page with my picture on it, was the status section. I was listed as female, good, my weight and height, looked right, unmarried - single, that was correct, encumberment - concubine: Gordon L. Grove. Fuck me, I was listed as his concubine.

Being listed as his concubine, gave me certain family rights, however, I didn't see how these would help me in reality since, there wasn't much of a family. No kids, no real estate, not even a dog or a goat. It was just a fake identity, but, it made me feel good.

"Want some cannabis?" Gordon asked as he stood wearily near the dresser his chillum and pouch of herb sat atop.

"Ah, yeah, I guess, sure. Then sleep, Randi needs sleep. Some lovin' and some sleep." I muttered in response.

We smoked some under the dome then went downstairs to the bed. Gordon had eaten me a bit, then I tried to get Cogburn in. At some point before actually making love, we both fell asleep.

I woke up, feeling a little stuffed. Gordon was still asleep and Cogburn's head was trapped in my twat. I was thus, feeling a bit horny. Gordon woke up, and even though I was feeling horny, it was strange, I wasn't in the mood for sex right at that time. First, I had to pee and poop, I also felt the need to shower since I could smell myself and it wasn't a nice smell. I think this was the first time since I was like 12 or 13 I wasn't all that horny and didn't get myself off. I usually started the day with an orgasm. Instead, Gordon followed me into the bathroom and started our morning there.

He watched me pee but when the gas hit and I started coiling rope, he left. I would've too; I made quite a stink. This was typical several days before I had my monthly visit from the twins, cramp and bleed. I estimated we'd be back on the mainland by the time my damn burst. Seven days without sex, that didn't excite me in the least. Why did guys freak when a girl was menstruating? I'd overheard girls saying their boys wouldn't even kiss them during that time of the month. Weird.

The shower was warming and steam was starting to fill the shower room by the time I arrived there. Gordon kissed me and gave me a squeeze.

"Is it safe to go back there?" He asked indicating the direction the toilet was in.

I shrugged. "As safe as when you left." I answered.

He made a concerned face. "Maybe I should give it 20 minutes for the air to clear." He started laughing then.

Giving him a playful shove I told him, "Fine, I'll be done showering by then and you can shower alone."

"Hey, I can shower first and hit the can after. That'd be 20 minutes at least, depending..." He remarked.

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