Chapter 21

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The following day, Lydia and I were having lunch at a small café. The place had a TV above the counter, for the most part neither of us paid any attention to the news that was on, that is until a story came on about the owner of an RV park being murdered along with many of the people staying at the park.

"Blue Bird." I said, I was frozen in place, my sandwich right in front of my face with my eyes glued to the television.

The tracking bug had led Tullis' boys to the park, I hadn't thought about what they'd do when they got there and I was gone. Blue Bird and the people at the park knew nothing about me, especially where I'd gone to. They wouldn't have even known I'd left. Tullis and his people wouldn't accept 'I don't know' as an answer. They would've used 'advanced interrogation techniques' to get the answers to their questions. Then after they tortured the people, they'd kill them.

Tullis was being very aggressive. If the tracker had led him to the RV park, that also meant his people had been at my speck of land near the Mellencamp farm. My heart lurched in my chest. Sophia... and Randle of course, were they still alive?

My speck of land was quite a few kilometers from the farm. Tullis' people would have had to go door to door covering hundreds of kilometers of roads to find them, and kill hundreds of people as they went. No, Sophia was safe. The RV park was a different situation.

Blue Bird hadn't done anything, neither had any of my RV park neighbors. I didn't know Rhonda had planted a bug on me. I'd have to be more cautious. Tullis was out of control trying to find me.

"You knew her didn't you." Lydia said. "The lady from the RV park, where I found you."

My eyes were still stuck to the TV. "Yeah. I knew her." I answered in a rasped and depressed voice.

The news report moved to an interview with Conrad, he'd been shot in the leg but his attackers let him live when they found out he was a slave. Apparently Tullis, or at least the people working for him, didn't want the death of a slave hanging over their heads.

I tore my eyes from the TV looking at my plate. I dropped the rest of my sandwich on the plate.

"Let's get out of here." I said to Lydia.

She nodded and put the rest of what she was eating down, grabbed her backpack then got out of the booth we were sitting at. I paid the tab, dropped a tip, then we headed to the camper and got on the road again. A day and a half later, we were in NewBrittanCity; we parked the camper back in the same building I'd gotten it from. I'd pick a different car for us, the one I'd been using was too recognizable now, Tullis' people would be looking for it, and the camper.


My original plan was to leave Lydia at my storage building when I went to visit my friend in the banking network.

"See, then this... connect here, and ta-da, you have a highly compact little bomb. At this size, you can easily place several of them and with their power, take out a room, no problem." Lydia said as she showed me her build of a more discrete and effective explosive device than what I'd built.

I looked from the small bomb to her, to the bomb ending on her. "And you're sure this will work?" I had my doubts that a 15 year old girl could build such a device.

With a cynical laugh she picked up the control box she'd built. "I've laid out an app that I'll put on your phone. That app links to this box. As long as you place it so the side with this small hole is facing where you want to see, you'll be able to see what's going on as well as hear what's being said. All the small charges link to this box. You send the signal, the box arms them; then when you want, boom, tell it to touch them off."

Defective - A Psychopath's Taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن