Chapter 18

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I was back at the camper in plenty of time to call Lydia exactly at the time I wanted. First, I needed a shower, shave and a nap. One thing I'd forgotten, lighting the water heater. Which led to the discovery of another thing I'd forgotten, propane. Since I had time, I disconnected everything from the camper and made the drive to town to get my propane filled.

Back on my speck of land, everything hooked back up and the water heater lit, I waited half an hour then took my shower. That's when I found out just how small the water heater on a camper was. It was time to make my call, still having not shaved.

Eventually, Lydia had to hand the phone over to someone I wasn't thrilled to speak with, Randle. He wanted to know why I wanted to visit with her alone, why it had to be where I was, that I could talk with her in private on their farm.

"Look, Randle, what the hell you think I'm going to do? Kill her? I'm the one that saved her life in the first place." I argued back.

"Well, that isn't out of the realm of possibilities you know. Might be something you'd do to get back in the good with your boss, that Tullis guy." Randle retorted.

"That wouldn't get me good with him." I scoffed. "If he found out I hadn't punched her clock, he'd want me dead all the more."

"Punched her clock, nice. Such a pleasant euphemism for murdering someone." Randle responded.

He was probably right on the last part, it did make it sound softer somehow. I could hear both Lydia and Sophia in the background arguing at him. Lydia wanted to see me and Sophia was supporting her. Finally we got back to the main reason I'd called.

"I'll come by and pick her up." I told him.

"No, no, no, I'll drop her off. I want to see where this place is. Give me directions." Randle said.

This is where things broke down. I wasn't familiar with the area, didn't know all the names of the roads and some of them weren't on the map. My solution was to drive over, then he could follow me back. Randle, oddly enough, had a better idea.

"You got one of those GPS navigation things?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've got one, it's a Won Ton." The light came on in my brain. I already knew what he was going to ask now, so I grabbed my Won Ton and turned it on.

"Yeah, that's what I've got too. Turn it on and find your coordinates on it..." Randle started.

"Yeah, yeah, already doing that, give me a minute here for it to find itself and give me my location, hold on." I told him.


I was sitting in one of the lawn chairs waiting when Randle pulled up in his truck. It was a four door Mopar Ravager truck, blue. Nice truck. Sophia was next to him in the front, Lydia was on the driver's side in the back. Lydia was also the first one out of the truck. She came running up to me, jumped up so she could reach my neck, wrapped her arms and legs around me and hugged me solidly, firmly.

"Uncle Nells, I'm so happy you showed up." She said then let go and dropped back to the ground.

I smiled at her. "I'm happy to see you too Lydia."

Randle and Sophia were out of the truck now and about half a meter behind Lydia. Sophia had a pleasant smile on her face, Randle looked like he wished I was dead. Lydia turned around and faced her parents. Well, the two people who'd taken on the roll. Cost me quite a few crown to arrange it, but according to all records, Lydia had been born to them.

"Can I spend the night here? That way Nells and I can have lots of time to catch up and talk. And you guys won't have to sit up waiting for my call." Lydia suggested to the two of them.

Defective - A Psychopath's TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz