Chapter 55

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Yeah, Gordon rode me like a pony. He gave my ass a break but Dark Magic wouldn't be returning to her usual self tonight. We showered the funk off then got ready to head to dinner. I made the reservation while he finished his routine. Since I didn't use a lot of makeup and didn't have much to do with my hair, I was ready well before he was. He dressed nice, so did I but a corset and skirt weren't very time demanding.

While I waited, I looked through the rest of the clothes Zandie packed. Something of mine was missing. She hadn't packed my knives.

My interest in getting laid for the first time had been my focal point, I hadn't thought about much else. Now that I had some time I dug through everything. I knew she'd left out some of my outfits, didn't pack my pads, but I thought for sure she'd pack my knives; I was wondering what else was missing. I didn't have much so it shouldn't have been hard to pack, that also meant I could figure out what was missing easily.

I wasn't sure how many bags were packed as mine or whether she'd possibly mixed some of my things with Gordon's. There was also the factor that Holland probably helped, and boys pack differently than girls. I guess, that was an assumption on my part, but it sounded logical.

In one of the bags, I found something I know I wasn't supposed to see. A pistol with what I thought was a silencer, and a note. I wondered why Gordon would've brought the pistol and silencer; my first thought was based on our earlier conversation, he was on the edgy side and wanted the gun incase someone came after us. Then I read the note that was under the pistol.

'In case you're feeling sentimental and can't stick her and snap her little neck, use this, just fucking shoot her in the head.' The note said, and the handwriting reminded me of Zandie's. I found the check she'd given me and compared the signature with the note. I thought they matched pretty closely.

I picked up the pistol and inspected it. The clip was full but it wasn't cocked with a round in the pipe. The silencer hadn't been attached yet either.

"All ready to go doll face, if your..." Gordon started to say as he came out of the bathroom. He stopped short when I turned around with the pistol in one hand and the note in the other.

I looked him dead in the eyes. His face fell, any positive emotions he'd had when he first walked out, were gone. He looked empty now, maybe a little sad, probably upset that I knew the plan now. Fuck me then kill me.

"So when were you planning on doing it?" I asked, his mouth started to open but he said nothing. "Were you going to fuck me then snap my neck like you did with Rhonda, hit me with juice then snap my neck while I was coming and shitting myself, or were you just going to just fucking shoot me in the head?" Rage filled me.

That's what this trip was really about. Taking me someplace, killing me then sticking my corpse someplace where it would never be found. Zandie wrote the note, Holland had to have been in on the deal as well, he'd made the arrangements. I fucking hated Nells right now. I chambered a round and took aim; I stepped back and grabbed the silencer. I'd never put one on a gun before, it turned out to be rather easy.

Gordon sighed. It was hard to read him at the moment, my own anger was interfering. I thought he might be remorseful, definitely no fear in him. He'd dealt with people, guns and murder all of his life. He probably thought a girl with a gun, he'd be able to take it from me then... no, his eyes, they held a sadness, I thought that didn't make sense.

"You're supposed to be dead already, as far as Holland and Zandie's plan. If I'd have done what they wanted, then I'd be just like I was with Tullis, a killer for hire. I was supposed to fuck you then kill you. That was what they figured was payment for killing you. I couldn't do it, can't do it, won't. To them I'm just an assassin that punches people clocks then goes and fucks girls."

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