Chapter 15

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"Nicolas! How was vacation?" Mister Tullis greeted me when I entered his office.

I gave him a courteous smile. "Fine boss, it was fine."

He guffawed. "Fine? That's it? I give you two weeks of sun, fun and strange twat and it was just fine?" He shook his head a bit. "I would have expected 'fucking fabulous' not 'fine' for two weeks of that."

I laughed implying a provocative thought. "It was fucking fabulous boss, fucking, heavy on the fucking, fabulous."

He laughed in return. "Now that's more like it. So, how many twats did you stuff?" He asked. "Or was it too many to count?"

I held my evil fun smile. "Ah, yeah, I never kept count. What can I say, once you fuck one, you want to fuck 'em all." I gave an appropriate laugh for the situation. "And there was a lot of hot young ass around, a lot!"

"Yeah, I bet there was." The boss answered, his expression and tone changed completely, almost accusing. His eyes became cold, well, colder than usual. This gave me an odd feeling. I felt uncomfortable now.

There were two Scotsman standing behind me, one to each side. Giving the boss's change in attitude, this made me nervous and even more uncomfortable. I didn't think he'd have one of them blow my brains out in his nicely decorated office and wreck the carpet. But that didn't mean I couldn't get my neck snapped. Brandon, the large Scot on my left side, large was an understatement, he could snap someone's neck with one ham sized hand.

I held a hand out towards one of the easy chairs in front of his desk. "Alright if I sit?"

"Yeah, sure, why the fuck not. Sit down Nick." Mister Tullis answered.

I had intended to find out more about what was happening in the Felcrest girl's murder, what else Tullis had up his sleeve. I thought better of it and went to the prime topic as to why he'd brought me here.

"So what's this meet you want me to handle?" I began with.

Tullis looked to one of the boys who were behind me, still in the same spots, and gave a short quick nod. My asshole clenched. When I heard the door latch snap closed behind me I turned my head and looked back. Tullis and I were alone. I knew he kept a .45 hidden under his desk. Though I couldn't see what he did, I could tell by his body movements above the desk line he fondled the gun. Making sure of its position and status just incase he needed it.

Truth be told, had I wanted to kill him right now, I would do just that, gun or no gun, I'd take him out. The boys had frisked me to make sure I didn't have a gun on me, and I hadn't, but that was as far as they went. Knives, or other quiet small weapons would've been easy to smuggle in. Of course they weren't expecting trouble from me, a loyal servant of the family for decades.

Tullis looked me over without saying a word.

My little voice was far from silent. Now it was somewhat loud and very nagging. There was something in Tullis' eyes that wasn't... 'normal' as he looked me over; and it wasn't because of the vacation. Maybe he'd tried to have me followed; find out where I really was going on vacation. I left on vacation and he had no idea where I went, whom I was with or what I did. That would really chap his ass. Maybe tried to follow me, right, I know he did. I lost the tail very fast. But that was a necessity in my life. It bothered him that I lost his tail, but it wasn't something he should be pissed about or hold against me; it showed how good I was at avoiding a tail.

Still, there was something amiss. I'd known Tullis long before he became the syndicate's head Paw. Before his father retired, Tullis and I had worked together; his father had wanted him to learn from me. I was the best, the best at everything I did. During that time we'd became rather close. Once he became Paw, that facet of our relationship was removed instantly. But I still knew him well. Tullis was hiding something from me, but what, was the question.

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