Chapter 80

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Sasha had her height adjusted rather high, 175 centimeters. She felt that was needed for two reasons; the first because the person knew her and wouldn't expect her to be so tall and thus helping the disguise to work; the second was functional, at this height she'd be close to the same height as the person she'd be handing the envelope off to making it easier, at least that was her logic.

After making a sweep of the area I went to my position so I could alert Sasha when the target approached. Everything was in the clear and Sasha was in position, sitting on a landscape wall reading an actual book. The ear buds she wore that went to her phone made it look like she was listening to music instead of hearing me. We'd made a point to arrive early since the length of this conference wasn't consistent. It was nothing more than a monthly update meeting.

When our target exited the Imperial building, he wasn't alone; the person with him was someone we wanted to avoid, normally they would be getting the car, but this time they walked with the target. I was about to abort our mission when the other person said he'd go get the car and headed off. Our target started walking down the sidewalk towards where his partner would pick him up by the parking lot exit. Sasha watched and when he was in a clear area near a lamppost, she made her move.

Sasha was several meters down the walk from him and approached him in line and at a good pace. When she met up with him, she bumped into him hard causing him to stop. She reached out and stuffed the envelope into his coat pocket.

"Fulbright, for your eyes only." She said bluntly as she pulled her hand from his pocket then deployed the smoke bomb.

The people around made a small ruckus, no one really screamed or went into a panic but they did move away from the ball of heavy thick smoke that formed. The smoke covered a large area and raised up into the sky. I watched as Sasha came from the smoke. She wasn't running though; she was climbing the lamppost and had made her way to the top by the time the smoke cleared and was on top of the actual light fixture itself.

Mort had seen the smoke and drove against traffic up to Fulbright and jumped out of the car.

"What happened, Colonel Quixley, are you alright? I'll contact the I.P." Mort said.

Fulbright waved his hand at him as he coughed a bit. "No, relax Mort, it was just a smoke bomb. I don't think it was intentional, must've fallen out of their pocket when we ran into each other."

Mort looked at him with a questioning face. "Why would someone be carrying a smoke bomb unless they intended to do something to you?"

Fulbright looked off from Mort, I tried to see what he was looking at; the shadow of the lamppost, he knew where Sasha had gone, she was in the shadow. He never raised his eyes, he looked back at Mort.

"I haven't a clue Mort, we both ended up dodging the same direction, it was an accident and they took off, they didn't do a thing to me. Lets get out of here." Fulbright stated then headed for the car.

Mort asked if he should take Fulbright to the hospital just to be safe and get him checked out incase there was something in the smoke. Fulbright declined and they drove off. I followed them. Sasha would climb down and get her bike. They parked in the I.I.D. regional headquarters parking lot.

"Go on inside, I've got to take some personal time, my wife's doctor called and wants to talk to her. You know she had those tests the other day. She thinks it's bad news, and wants me to be with her." Fulbright told Mort.

They talked a few moments, Mort told Fulbright he hoped everything turned out alright then headed for the office building. Fulbright went back to the car and left the lot. I followed him until he pulled over. I drove past and Sasha parked her bike nearby and used her microphone to listen in. Fulbright placed a call to his wife and told her about what he'd said to Mort and to play it up like he was going to the doctor with her. Smart move.

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