Chapter 56

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We were the first to arrive at Jerrod and Alice's house. They had originally invited five other couples and added us, which would've been 14 people around the fire and on the beach. One couple they told us had canceled and they were sure others would be. Even though they had this party planned for two weeks, one of the big-shots on the island decided to have a party this morning and since he was a major employer and very rich, people dropped other plans to attended the rich boy's party at his house.

"Martin Fessuire, he owns manufacturing plants on our island and Saint Thomas. If you don't work for a hotel or the government, you work for him." Jerrod commented.

"He's not what you'd call a fair person, he works his employees long hours for low pay. I worked two weeks for that ass hat in the shipping department, when Fuzzy Saint Croix resort offered me a job, I took it; the pay is better, benefits are better and my bosses are nice." Alice added.

The house phone started ringing and Alice left to answer it.

"If it wasn't for the land I have my shop on being historical, Fessuire would've bought it and I'd have been shit out-a luck; our building is as large as you can build there, not big enough for one of his factories." Jerrod told us.

"How long have you had the shop?" Gordon asked.

"Just over two years now, Alice and I built it together. I was a professor at the college before that. Taught business ethics and management classes; one day I decided I'd had enough of teaching kids how to be successful and run a business and decided to do it for myself, Alice supported me in my decision and, well, boom, we built our shop." Jerrod shared with us.

Alice returned and informed us another couple had canceled; Jerrod figured the others would too, or simply not show and claim they forgot if they'd been invited to the Fessuire party. I thought that was a rather shit thing to do to your friends. I was staring at Alice's neck again; enough that she looked down her front to see what I was looking at then ran a hand along her neck. A hand, that wasn't what I wanted to run along her neck.

"So..." I began and clapped my hands together breaking myself from my hunger. "Got any smoke? I'm really looking forward to this party, lets get it started!" I finished with excitement.

Jerrod and Alice seemed to appreciate my changing of the subject and brought us into their home and showed it off as they led us through to the deck on the ocean side and the beach with the fire pit. On the deck they had a long table that was filled to capacity with food and coolers filled with ice and beverages on the deck at the end of the table. I felt sorry for Jerrod that most of this food wouldn't be eaten by his friends.

The phone rang again, this time Jerrod went to answer it, Alice looked depressed since she knew it was another cancellation, her head hung down from her luscious long neck that begged for a blade on it. Fuck! I looked at Gordon and ignored Alice, I had to if I wanted to control my daemon. Shit I bet her blood was creamy.

"Well, that leaves one more couple to cancel, and he works for Fessuire, so, he'll be canceling for sure." Jerrod stated when he returned.

I kept my attention on him to avoid looking at Alice and her pulsing throat; at least I was trying. Gordon took my hand, he smiled at me when I looked over at him for a second. He was aware of the battle inside me and was trying to help. I was lucky to have him, as a friend and lover, but mostly as someone to help me battle my daemon inside.

"We were planning on asking you to come over tomorrow for a private get-together, that is if you're interested." Jerrod began, Alice took over.

"Playing with another couple isn't something we do much of, anymore, it's been about a year now." She said.

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