Chapter 70

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We had to get to work on Samson. We needed to intercede in his meeting with the skin dealer and somehow takeover the arrangement for Samson. All while accomplishing that task, I also needed to have this information about Samson's meeting with the underage girl relayed to Tullis in a manner that wouldn't give away what the meeting was that Samson was having yet still have Tullis know Samson was doing business with the Greeks.

Easy, right? That's why I involved Murdock and contacted Holland through the internet using our old code. Holland's end of this would be to clone the skin dealers phone for me so I'd have access to his phone without having to have the phone in my possession. The problem was I couldn't exactly force the skin dealer to unlock it so we could clone it, he'd replace it. Also, I needed be able to track him with the GPS tracking on the phone and not have it available to anyone that was his boss.

Murdock would play the roll of messenger to Tullis, but he couldn't just tell the syndicate boss, 'hey, the guy you faggot out with is in a hotel fucking a 13 year old that he bought from the Greeks' or anything, so, we had a different means to cue Tullis in. If he didn't take the bait though, that would bring our plans to get Tullis to punch Samson's clock to a screeching halt.

Sasha and I were parked near where the skin dealer worked. Since he didn't work a job that one would go to in the early hours of the morning, we waited until after 3:00pm when people would be getting off work and when he might be standing around waiting to discuss options with clients, being polite. As it turned out, he didn't show until around 5:00pm.

Our plans were delayed as he had three appointments that brought us to about 5:45. He seemed to spread his deals around 15 minutes apart, so when john number three cut out after five minutes, I was ready to take the skin dealer down. I tased his nasty ass when he ended a call on his phone. He hadn't seen me and wasn't able to lock the phone before he took a little snooze.

I grabbed the phone and plugged it into the box Holland had given me then radioed to Sasha back in the car who'd talk to Holland via a voice chat program.

"What version of Iphone is it? I have no fucking idea, how the fuck am I supposed to know that?" I replied when Sasha asked me what he'd asked her.

Sasha told me how to find out, this much she knew. Holland said it was luck that he had an Iphone and that I'd gotten to it unlocked. If he'd have locked it, there was no way we were getting in, but since it was unlocked, cloning it would be easy peasy. It better be since I was the one doing it.

I followed the instructions Sasha relayed to me, and in a few minutes, had a working clone. Not only would I see all of his texts he sent and received, I'd be able to use my cloned phone just like it was the original. I propped Bubba Skin up against a tree with his phone in the pocket I'd seen him take it from and a half smoked joint in his hand, then I took off.

When Bubba Skin woke up, which wasn't very long after I left him, he acted dazed and confused. He looked at the joint in his hand then looked around quickly before he took out his phone. He must have checked the time, because right after he looked at the phone, he sent out another text, which we were able to see. 'You going to make it or do we need to reschedule?' the text said.

Sasha suggested that we stick around so she could observe how Bubba Skin interacted with his clients.

"Why? You planning on getting into the skin dealer business?" I said with a bit of a crass edge that she didn't earn.

"No, fuck, like really, I'd want to sell 10 year old girls; because someone's going to have to take his place to meet with Samson, and between the two of us, whom looks like someone that'd be an 'associate' of mister skin job there? Even with an entirely different face, you can't; I can pass as his girlfriend filling in for him while he's in a meet with his boss. Samson see's you, fuck, he'll break the sound barrier getting gone so fast. You look like pork, not a skinner." Sasha reasoned.

Defective - A Psychopath's Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें