☆Kise Ryouta 7

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~You're beautiful

Idk what to do anymore so yeah. Bear with this. May be.. Uhm. Idk what that term is, 'triggering'? I don't know. Huehue. Based on some of my experiences. :) but i don't have a boyfriend or what. xD


You were never the perfect girl. You have fats, and bellies. To put it simply, you're not sexy nor skinny. But much to your surprise, Kise Ryouta, your school's most popular guy, every girl's dream or whatsoever guy is currently dating you.

You're together for almost, three years now and it still confuses you on how did Kise bear with you all this years.

I mean, inside the eyes of other people, you weren't the right and perfect girl for him. You knew that, but that doesn't mean they have the rights to rub it in.

People have been calling you names only God knows since when. Those three years you've been with Kise, you practically lost weight. It made you lose some pounds. But since we have a fucking adorable (sarcasm) society, we have to please it even if we don't want to.

That's what you've been feeling all this time. You have to please society for it to be able to accept your existence. For people to accept you.

"[Name]-cchi~! You're dozing off again ssu!" Your reverie broke when you heard Kise called you. Blinking twice, your [color] eyes met Kise's golden ones.


Kise pouted and crossed his arms like he's some sort of kid. "Mou! You're mean [Name]-cchi! Anyway~ I was asking if you want to come over to my house tomorrow! Since it's Saturday and all~" he cooed.

"I-I can..?" You asked.

Kise flashed you a smile and nodded his head. "Of course [Name]-cchi! Ny sisters wanted to meet you badly!!" He exclaimed.

Wait. You completely forgot about his two older sisters. If Kise is good-lookinh and handsome, most probably that his sisters looked a lot like him too! Then that means that his sisters are beautiful and pretty!

"U-uh.. W-will your sisters like me though.." You mumbled as you frown lightly.

Kise blinked twice and gave you a small smile. You then felt his arms wrapped around you. "Of course! Don't worry about it. Just be yourself and they will like you ssu!"

Nodding your head, you looked up to see his face. "Okay."


"Tadaima!" Kise yelled after opening their front door, Kise's house is somewhat big, not that big (like Akashi's .-.) but probably two or three families can live in.

"Okaeri!" You stiffened when a loud (like Kise's huehue), screeching voice yelled across the whole house, followed by another one.

"Welcome home Ryou-chan!"

Two identical ladies then ran, one from the kitchen, one from upstairs.

"Ah!! You must be [Name]-chan! Ryo-chan's girlfriend!" One with shorter blonde hair asked--rather, exclaimed. Blinking twice, you immediately bowed your head.

"H-hai! My name is [Last name] [Name] desu! Nice to meet you!"

Both chuckled, including Kise, and patted your head. "Don't panic [Name]-chan. We don't bite. Anyway! As what Ryo-chan told us that you're coming over, we made some snacks for you! Come come!" The one with longer locks exclaimed and dragged you to the kitchen, which made you sweatdrop.

"Ah! Oh my gosh, we're very sorry [Name]-chan! We forgot to introduce ourselves!"

"I'm Kise Kaori!" The short-haired blonde said.

"And I'm Kise Raomi!"

You smiled at their enthusiasm. Both are like Kise, always cheeeful, and flashy. And you like them. But the question running through your mind right now is that, do they like you back?

Minutes passed, and here they are. Continuously giving you food to eat. Not to mention that most are sweets. Which made you a little hesitant to whether eat it or not due to your insecurities.

"I-I'm full.." You mumbled, giving off a small smile at them.

Kaori pouted. "Aww really? I was about to let you taste the cake I baked a while ago though! But if you really are full, might as well next time." She grinned. You nodded. Raomi smiled and gave you a glass of water. "Here."

"Thank you.."

Kise on the other hand, was smiling beside you knowing that his two nee-chan's like his girlfriend.

"Uhm.. Ano.. Can I use the bathroom?" You asked, slightly embarrassed. Kise chuckled and pointed to a direction. "There. Go straight then left and the white door over there is the bathroom ssu."

You smiled and thanked him as you walk towards the said direction.

Upon entering the bathroom, you faced the mirror which reflected half of your body.

Sighing, you frowned at the sight.

"Why am I this.. Fat anyway?" You asked yourself. Staring back at your reflection again, tears suddenly left your eyes.

"It makes me want to puke everything I ate.." You sobbed.

The door suddenly opened and it revealed, the blonde model. His eyes are wide, his lips parted. "[N-name]-cchi.." He said..

"R-ryouta.." You sobbed.

He frowned and then went inside and pulled you into a tight hug. Your sobs went louder. "I-I'm sorry.." You sobbed.

"Shh. [Name]-cchi.."

"I'm sorry.. I just--hmmp!" You weren't able to finish what you were to say when Kise cupped both your cheeks and roughly kissed your lips.

He parted and stared intently to your eyes. "You're beautiful [Name]-cchi! Always remember that! Don't care about what other people tell you. Don't let them move you down. I'm here [Name]-cchi.. Just be yourself.. And I will always love you." He smiled and kissed you again, this time, gently and is full of emotions.

He's right, in love.. Height, and weight are just numbers. Remember that whatever and whoever you are, there is always someone who will always love you. Who will always care for you and cherish you.

You're beautiful, remember that. :)


Just wanted to tell you this guys! (Which I can't even tell myself .-. Huehue) you're beautiful. YOU'RE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Don't let them affect you, live your life to the fullest and just laugh at their comments about you. Smile, and everything fades. Smile, it will make you more beautiful. Be proud of what God had given you, don't let insecurities break you. :D

I love you guys! Stay awesome. Sorry for the late update. Huahua. XD HAHA.


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