☆Midorima Shintaro 2

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~Let's break up

Dedicated to all Midorima fangirls/fans. No one requested this, I just wrote it. XD


You and Midorima Shintaro are in a relationship for more than five years now, since the third year of high school.

"[Y/n]." You heard him called.

You turned to look at him and smiled. "Yes?"

He sighed and looked at you. "Are you free this Saturday?"

You stared at him and then blushed. "W-what?" You asked.

You were shocked. Why? Because he isn't the type of person who has sweet bones.

"A-are you free this Saturday?" He asked again. His cheeks were tainted in pink.

You blushed even more and covered your face with both of your hands. This is the first time he asked you out. For the past five years, you were the one who has the initiative to ask him out on a date.

"W-why are you like that?" He asked.

You shook your head and lightly squealed. You looked ay him and smiled.

"O-of course I'm free this Saturday!"

He blushed and smiled. He hugged you and you blushed again. You hugged him back and after some few seconds, he released you.

"I-it's not like I hugged you because I am happy!" He said.

You giggled. He's still the tsundere I knew. You thought.


Saturday; 6:40pm

You were standing in the park for more than one hour now. Midoeima said he'll meet you here at 5:30 in the afternoon so you two could have a date.

But after an hour, the green-haired megane carrot is still nowhere to be found.

You are waiting here patiently because you are not really a short-tempered person. You kept telling yourself that maybe he was busy or got stuck in a traffic that'd why he is late.

You looked ay your wristwatch and saw,


"Where are you?" You asked, slightly worried.

Few moments later, you heard a sound. A guitar is being strummed.

[Insert Marry Me by Train lyrics and music here XD]

"[y/n]." Said an oh so familiar vouce behind you.

You turned around and saw your boyfriend standing.

"Sh-shintaro?!" You exclaimed.

He walked to you and,

"[y/n]. Let's break up." He said.

What?! After letting me wait for more than one hour here he is saying that he's breaking up with me?! You thought.

"W-what?" You asked.

He sighed the knelt down infront of you.

"[y/n]. Let's break up. I don't want to bw your boyfriend anymore."

Tears fell down your cheeks, then you saw a big tarpaulin behind Midorima, held by a rainbow.

That was a joke. What I meant is, the GoM.



Your eyes widen and you looked down to Midorima who was holding a tiny red box with a silver ring inside.

"Will you marry me [y/n]?" He asked.

Tears streamed down your face again as you crouched down to give him a hug and to say the words,

"I will."


End. :)

I like this Midorima shot of mine. XD HAHAHA. So, yeah. XD Dafuq what haha.

Next is Nijimura Shuzo~ ;)


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