☆Kagami Taiga 6

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//throws sparkles//

*note: this is sooooo short and sorry for the lack of updates.


  Laying down your bed, you turned around only to see your beloved husband, who's name is Kagami Taiga, silently sleeping beside you.

You stared at him for a while, wondering and reminiscing the days you've been together.

A sudden thought suddenly popped into your mind. It's been maybe, 1? 2? Ah yes, two years since you've been married. And now, you wanted to test him. Test if he really loves you, or something.

After he went out for work, you decided to write a letter to him, saying you got tired of him, also you said that you don't want to live with him anymore. After writing, you placed the letter on the table beside your bed and waited for the right time.

*hours later lmao*

After you hear the door opened, you immediately hid under your bed to see what his reaction may be.

Hearing your bedroom door's opened, you saw his feet beside the bed, probably saw the letter now.

What surprised you is that, he suddenly yelled and sang something while happily dancing. You felt a pain on your chest as tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You saw him write something on the paper too.

And then, what shocked you the most is that, you heard him called someone over his phone.

"Hey babe? Yeah. I'll just change clothes for a while, I'll be joining you later on. Yeah yeah. Hmm. Someone actually saw through me and decided to leave me. I made a wrong decision of marrying her. Yeah. Okay. I'll see you in a minute. I wish I had known you sooner. Bye."

And then that's that, tears fell from your eyes as you heard the door closed. You went out of the bed and cried, noticing something written on the same paper you wrote on.

You sat on the bed and read:

"I could see your feet, idiot. I'm just going to buy dinner. Also, I love you."


K bye XD I just saw the same scene from some post I saw on Facebook IDEK. HAHAHAHA kbye. XD

I should've updated this last month but I don't know why I didn't. BAHAHAHAHAHA


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