☆Aomine Daiki 7

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So sorry for the late update i cri. Btw the akashi requests will be written shortly. Sorry for the delay! Really, school just started 3 weeks ago but-aadfghjklkkjhllhnhxgz.


This shot is from a tumblr post I saw way back idk. I just remembered it. Lmao.



"What are you doing, [Name]?" Aomine Daiki, your beloved husband asked you when you stood in front of him while he was watching tv. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms.

You're getting cranky and heck, you don't even know why.

"What's the problem?" He asks softer as he gently grabbed your hand and pull you down to make you sit on his lap. "What made you upset?"

You kept quiet for seconds, before leaning down to him and staring at his blue eyes. He raised an eyebrow. "Uh." He mumbled.

"I really hate you for being so-"

You didn't finish your sentence and kissed his lips. He flinched, unable to do something before responding as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. The kiss lasted for who knows how long, both of you parted as you both needed to breathe.

"What was that for?" He asked. You frowned and placed your head on top of his. "I just missed you, stupid." You murmured. Aomine chuckled and gently kissed your cheek. "Likewise."

But that's not all. You really missed him to the fact that you lowered your head and kissed his neck. He was shocked at first, but being the Aomine Daiki whom he is, he just enjoyed whatever you are doing with him.

You bit it. You bit that small part of his neck and sucked on it. The author does not even know what she was typing so please do forgive her. "[Name]." He called.

You gave it one last kiss and looked up to meet his gaze. "You're respinsible for this." He said and pointed below.

You snorted and punched hids chest. "I know."


Tomorrow came. You were walking towards the police station where your husband was working to give his lunch. You know, wife duties or something.

You smiled at everyone you saw, practically showing your greetings. They actually know you, and you know them at the same time since you always walk there to give Aomine his lunch.

When you neared Aomine's cubicle (imsorryidontknowwhattocallit), you saw him standing and his boss talking about something.

"Good afternoon?" You greeted, earning both of their attentions. Aomine gave you a small smirk, which you didn't know why as his boss eyed you. "Well Aomine-san, what would you say to yourself?"

"Excuse me?" You asked, unsure of what is happening.

Aomine's boss pulled the blue-haired guy and showed you something.

You blushed.

"Do you know what that is?" He asked.

"..uhm. A hickey?" You said.

"Yes. And do you know, that this man here is a government property? And do you know Aomine-san, that what you did was damaging a government property?!" He scolded.

Uh what.

You sweatdropped and looked at Aomine for help. He just chuckled. Traitor. And that, resulted you listening to his boss' scolding the whole afternoon.

Damaging of government property.

What a shame.


Lol what am I even-sorry I forgot who requested. Anyway, soooo. KnB ended. And I cri. I hope Fujipapa make Replace plus animated. And I do hope he update extra game weekly from now on.

What am I gonna do now. HALP.

Please send a slap. ;_;


☆★ Kuroko no Basuke Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें