☆Himuro Tatsuya 3

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~Everybody lies

OMG. I just did a rereading (Lol is that even a word) well eneway, I have so many, as in SO MANY typos last one shot. I'm sorry. Typographical errors are my mortal enemies. I'm really sorry. Spelling and grammatical errors are also super visible. I'm really sorry, english isn't my native tongue and I'm an amateur, as in amateur writer. I'm just 14, and I do so many mistakes. Sorry. Please do forgive me. :/

And since MarCeline012 requested for a Himuro shot, here ya go! :) And beware it's a little fluff. XD I suppose? XD I dunno, I suck at making things cute and fluffy. :v


You grinned, leaned against the wall and looked at your cellphone. You texted Fukui Kensuke, a senapi of yours, a friend of yours and also a friend of your long time crush Himuro Tatsuya if they had a practice this weekend

Fukui replied a 'yes' and you murmured a soft 'yay!' and wrote down to your calendar.

'Saturday; practice; Yosen gym. ' You noted.

You smiled and plopped yourself down your bed and told yourself,

'OMG. I can't wait till weekend.'


Saturday; 2:45pm

You ran to your school gym, not that you're in a hurry or something but you just wanted to watch the club practice. You wanted to watch Himuro play.

When you arrived at the front gym door, you noticed it was slightly open so you peeked inside and saw nothing.

Weird? Yes of course it is weird. This gym was practically the only gym the basketball club use for their club activities. But why? Why aren't they here?

'That's strange. Where are they?' You asked yourself. So you decided to push the door aside to open it. When you walked inside, a sudden *pop* sound was heard.

You looked behind you and saw the whole basketball team holding a big and long tarpaulin saying,

'Happy birthday [y/n]!'

[Let's assume it's your birthday today, ok? XD]

You knitted your eyebrows and suddenly remembered the date. [mm/dd/yyyy]. Oh my gosh. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday! You scolded yourself.

"[y/n]-chan! Happy birthday!" Okamura yelled happily as the whole team walked to you.

You gave them a warm and sweet smile as you say, "Thank you minna."

Each and one of them gave you presents. Coach Araki is also present and she gave you a little paper bag containing clips, cause she knew how you love to play with your hair as well as other's hairs. Okamura gave you a paper bag with a tshirt inside. Liu gave you a plastic with siopao inside which made you laugh cause it's chinese. Fukui gave you a sketchpad with an art set cause he knew how you love to draw. Murasakibara gave you a bag of cookies which you gladly accept because you love to eat.

"Oh my gosh, thanks everyone! I appreciate it!" You said and they nodded.

"But it's not done yet." Fukui said, grinning at you.

You raised an eyebrow and suddenly realized, he isn't here. Where is he? He's the reason why you're here. He is the person you wanted to see the most, but why?

You frowned, but then someone patted your head only to see it's Murasakibara. His large hand is perfectly fit unto your head.

"Mura-kun?" You asked then he just shrugged.

"Muro-chin is here.." He said that made you look forward and saw him standing infront of you smiling and holding a little box.

"Tatsuya-kun.." You softly said.

He walked towards you and gently opened the box and pulled out the thing inside it. It is a bracelet, silver bracelet and it has an infinity sign attached on it.

Himuro put it on your wrist and gently held your hand. "Happy birthday, [y/n]-chan." He said.

You blushed and unconsciously you embraced him tight while tears streamed down your cheeks.

"Thank you Tatsuya-kun." You whispered and you felt his arms wrapping around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

Moments passed and you pulled away, you wiped your tears away, and Fukui said that you'll all celebrate your birthday on a karaoke bar which you accepted since it's more fun with friends.

While walking to the karaoke house, or bar. Or whatever that is, Himuro was walking beside you. You were walking with him totally awkward. But it didn't seem to have bothered him like you.

"So.." You said to break the silence.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"..Why did you lie?" You asked.

"..Lie? Did I?"



"You said you have a practice.. But.." You paused.

"It turned out that you did that to celebrate my birthday." You finished.

You heard him chuckle and grab a hair clip from the paper bag full of gifts from your friends. It caused you to stop your tracks and looked at him in confusion.

"Uh. What." You said, eyebrow raised.

He smiled at you and brushed your bangs away from your eyes and clipping it using the flower shaped hair clip he's holding. You blushed as he stare at your face.

"Perfect. It fits you." He said that made you blush even more.

"Oh yeah. About that lie you said.. I did that to make you happy. It worked, right?" He asked.

You gave him a smile and nodded your head. "Yes. It did."

He chuckled and leaned forward to you. "I'm glad it did." He whispered before closing the gap between the both of you.

You eyes widen for a second but eventually, you closed your eyes and respond to his kiss.

After moments, you pulled away and gasped for oxygen. Cheeks are the same shade with Himuro's.

You walked with Himuro, catchinh up with the others. Hands intertwined with one another.

"I thought you didn't love me?" He asked with a sly smile on his face.

You looked at him and grinned.

"Everybody lies."


End. :v

Did you know Himuro is such a hot bishie? Well now you know. XD I love him beri mats. So yesh. That's Himuro folks.

Next is Junpei Hyuuga.


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