☆KnS: What if 5

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~you forced them to dye their hair

Lol. XD No comment. HAHA.



"Eeeeeh! Pleeeeaaase! Tetsuuuu!" You whined while tugging his sleeve.

Kuroko looks at you and gave you a blunt look. He sighed and held both of your arms to stop you. "[Name]-san. Stop. Please."

You stopped and pouted. Disappointed that he can't even grant your wish. Your wish for him to dye his hair to black. Because you really thought that black, suits him.

"[Name]-san. Black isn't--"

"Okay fine." You whispered and crossed your arms across your chest.

Kuroko stared at you before sighing and touching his hair. "I guess.. Dyeing my hair for a while is not that bad, right?"

Your eyes widened and you squealed a little and hugged him. "Yay! I love you Tetsu!"


After a while, Kuroko went out of the parlor at last. You saw him and immediately hid your smile. Black hair, does suit him! He's so.. Hot.

"Uh. [Name]-san?" He called.

You bit your lip and immediately hugged him. "You're so cute Tetsu! Oh my gosh!" You squealed and took a picture of the both of you.

• •



"EEEH! Please Daiki! I AM BEGGING YOUUUU." You pleaded while hugging him. Aomine just groaned and tried to escape from your grip but failed miserably.



Aomine frustratedly ran his palms to his face as he sigh. "Who the fuq would want their hair to be dyed in yellow?!"


"His hair is already--THAT'S BLONDE BAKA!"

You pouted and tightened your grip to him. Which Aomine found so cute. Resulting him in sighing and rolling his eyes.

"Alright. If that's what will make you happy."



"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Is what Aomine received when he showed you his new hairstyle. His hair is now dyes into yellow. Yes freaking YELLOW.


You continued to laugh until your abdomen hurt that you have to stop. Yellow doesn't suit him.

"Y-you! Y... Pft--hahaha!"

Aomine knitted his eyebrows and glared at you. Obviously not pleased after granting your wish.


• •


"Please Shin-chan! Pleaaaase!"

Oops no. That wasn't you. That was Takao who was pleading, begging, and forcing Midorima to have his hair dyed in blue. The kind of blue which Aomine has.

"No." Midorima boldly refused. You snickered and looked at Takao who was kneeling in front of the greenhead who was glaring at him.

"Eeeh? But why? [Name]-chan and I just wanna see you with other hair color!"

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