★KnS: Christmas! (SPECIAL, aguun)

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Since it's Christmas and I love you all so much, here's a little gift for everyone. Hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! :D

Damn. I want books on Christmas. X'D



Walking through the busy streets of Tokyo, you brought both of your hands to your face and sighed. Warming yourself, you rubbed both palms together and put back in your pocket.

Christmas, is the season to be jolly, as what the song says. You should too, right? Then why are you walking by yourself down to the cold winter? You were out here, going to buy a present for your, uhm, special someone.

Stopping in front of a book store, you smiled as you saw one of his most wanted books. You entered the store and was greeted by a warm atmosphere, and a warm welcome by the staffs. You smiled and went to the book you saw.

It's titled, 'Percy Jackson: Sea of monsters'. You smiled to yourself, Kuroko, yes him, likes to read books. He actually likes sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery. Oh how he love those. Since it's Christmas, and you want it the best, you'll buy him the book he always wanted. The whole series of Percy Jackson. (I do too. *sulks*)

You bought all books and went to a wrapper shop. (HAHAHA. This is so laughable) you bought wrappers and went home immediately. You wrapped the books and placed it on top of the center table. You then slumped back to the couch. Waiting for Kuroko to get back home.


"[Name]-san. [Name]-san." You heard someone say and was tapping your cheek gently. You groaned in annoyance and swatted his hand away. You heard him chuckle which made you open your eyes.

"Tetsu?" You mumbled. He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I'm home."

You also smiled and sat up straight. "Welcome home." You said.

"Merry Christmas, [Name]-san." He said and held out a box neatly wrapped in Christmas wrapper. You stared at gim first before smiling and grabbing the box from him.

"Merry Christmas too, Tetsu." You said and gave him his own gift. He looked dazed for a second but grabbed it from you and smiled. Like a very big smile.

"Thank you." Both of you said in unison which made you chuckle. Both decided to open the gifts together.

Kuroko was astonished to see the whole series of one of his most wanted books. He looked at you and smiled again. He hugged you, yes no matter how childish it seems, tight and whispered, "Thank you [Name]-san."

You giggled and patted his back. Now you know what to give him next. Hunger games. Like because he have the whole series of Harry Potter.

You opened the box he gave you and it turns out that it contains different kinds of mangas, including [fave manga]. Mostly are BLs (yaoizz XD). You squealed and gave Kuroko the tightest hug you can muster and gave his innocent face with childish kisses.

"I love you I love you I love you! Thank you Tetsu!"

Kuroko chuckled and wrapped his arms around you too. "Merry Christmas [Name]-san."



"WHAT THE HELL [NAME]! GET BACK HERE!" You heard Aomine, your boy--ehem--friend yelled throughout the whole house. You're in your house at your province with your parents, and Aomine's own parents. It's Christmas and both your families decided to celebrate it together.

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