☆Sakurai Ryo

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WARNING→Too much use of 'sumimasen' XDD

And, OMG. I think I'm inlove. With an anime character -.-


You are a first year at Too academy. You are in Class C because you were a late enrollee. "Fck everything and die. Why the hell am I late?!" You hissed, running fast as you can.

When you entered your school gate, you slowed your pace down. "OMG. I'm so late." You panted.

You walked fastly through the corridor. You arrived at your room door. Inhaling deeply, you slid the door open.

When the door opened, your class teacher looked at you, brows furrowed.

"S-sumimasen sensei!" You bowed.

You heard your teacher sighed. "It's okay [l/s]. You can enter the class." He said.

But.. "Uh. Wait stop." He said.


He looked at you. "As a punishment, clean the storage room later. You're with Sakurai. Since he's also late yesterday."

You blinked twice then slowly nodded your head. You walked to your seat as thoughts occupy your mind.

What should I do?! OMG. Cleaning.. With.. Sakurai-kun?! Dream come true!


After classes, you prepared your things because you're going to clean the storage. With Sakurai.

"A-ano.. [l/n]-san?" You heard Sakurai called you that made you flinched.

You nervously lookes to him, "H-hai?"

He trembled a little and bowed. "A-are you ready? We should g-go! Sumimasen!"

You giggled and walked beside him. "Yep. I'm good. Let's go!" You said.

Then the two of you walked through the storage room. When you arrived, the both of placed your bag down a corner and started to clean the room.

The room isn't that dirty as you imagine so you might finish cleaning it in no time. You were cleaning a shelf when Sakurai unintentionally bumped into your back.

"S-sumimasen! Sumimasen! Sumimasen [l/n]-san!" He bowed to you God-knows-how many times.

You waved your hands infront of him. "Ya! Ya! It's okay Sakurai-kun!" You said. But he kept on saying 'sumimasen' and kept on bowing his head.

You sighed and patted his head. "Please stop it Sakurai-kun. It's okay. No need to bow and be sorry. Now let's get back to work."

He nodded and with one last sumimasen, he walked away and continued what he was doing.


After the both of you finished cleaning, you sat down the floor to rest. You wiped off the sweat that was trickling down your forehead.

"A-ano. [l/n]-san?" Sakurai called you that made you looked him. "Hm?"

He held out a bottle of water and gave it to you. "S-sorry for.. Bumping you before." He said as he sat beside you.

You smiled at him and accepted the water. "I told you it's fine. And thank you for the water." You said before opening the cap and chugging down water.

"Ah~ That was refreshing!" You exclaimed after you drank all of the water from the bottle. Only to realize that Sakurai was staring at you.

"Hm? Is there something wrong Sakurai-kun?" You asked. Then he flinched and shook his head.

"A-ah! Su-sumimasen! Sumimasen! I didn't mean to! Sumimasen!" He bowed and bowed.

You blinked twice and giggled. "You're so cute.." You unconciously said. He frozed and stare at you.

You giggled again and rested your head to his shoulder. "Can I do this?"

"H-hai.." He murmured. You smiled and closed your eyes.

"Sumimasen.." He said.

You opened your eyes and asked a 'what?'

"S-sumimasen for being.. dumb. Sumimasen for being stupid.. sumimasen for not noticing this before.."

Huh? What is he talking about? You asked yourself.

"I don't understand Sakurai-kun." You said.

"..Sumimasen for loving you [l/n]-san."

Eh? *blushu*

"E-eh?!" You exlaimed, face flustered.

"I-I love you [l/n]-san!" He said, his cheeks tainted in pink. "S-sumimasen.. I shouldn't be saying things like this!"

OMG. He's so cute! You said.

You giggled and wrapped your arms around him. "Sumimasen.. I love you too Sakurai-kun."



Lame. :v Huahua. So? So? Whatya think? Sumimasen for being corny today. Sumimasen. Sumimase--Whut. Sakurai virus is contagious! XD Huwateber~ Bye XD

Next is Fukui Kensuke. Cause Fukui-senpai needs looooove~♡


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