★Kagami Taiga 2

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~Good luck

Yo. Sorry for the crappy shot. Feel free to kill me after this. lol. So requested by ii_IceDemon_ii. Srsly, I'm so happy someone's requesting. XD Why didn't I think of this sooner? Lol okay.

So as you can notice I really don't like writing long shots so, expect that your requests are short. XD

Sarreh for the late update! Reason: No wifi. XD I'm like, I survived days without internet. I'm proud. :v


You're with Seirin BB(basketball XD) club at the gym. They were having a training because the match between Seirin and Rakuzan is just around the corner.

You watched them play, and you can't take your eyes off of them. They're just super amazing.

"Hm, [y/n]-chan?" Aida called.

You turned to look at her and smiled. "Yes?"

"Are you going to watch the match?" She asked.

You stared at her for a moment. "Uh.. Maybe yes. It's the championship. I can't possibly miss the chance to watch the team play."

Aida smiled. "Sure."


Championship day; Tokyo Metropolitan gym; 5:43pm

You were walking with the BB club inside the gym. You can't help not to be amazed on how much people were inside. You can't help not to giggle because of the excitement you felt within the players' bones.

You were inside the locker room with the club, while Aida explain things for them. You didn't quite understand what she said, but all you knew is she said that they have to play with their bests.

You smiled and after that, they decided to go to the court.

You waited for everyone to get oyt except for Kagami. You stopped him and he looked at you with confusion in his eyes.


You grinned. "Good luck Taiga." You said.

His furrowed forkbrows returned to normal and then he gave you a reassuring grin. "Yeah. Sure."

"Win this, okay?" You said.

He nodded. "I know that."

You smiled and gave him a fist-bump, which he gladly accepted. "Be sure to win okay? Or else, I'm gonna break up with--"


"Don't you dare say that!" He said.

You laughed and nudged his side playfully, "I'm just joking you baka. Anyway, if you don't want that to happen be sure you win this."

He smirked and ruffled your hair. "Yeah yeah."

You smiled and hugged him. "Good luck again." You said before giving him a peck on his lips.

After that the both of you followed the others to the court. It seems that they were actually waiting for the both you.

Aida gave them one last instruction before saying, "Lose this and you'll see hell."

You laughed at the players' reactions and gave Kagami a nod and a thumbs-up.



Carneeeeh xD sarreh. I'm such a corny person :v. Anywaaay, yeees. School is approachiiiing. OMG. I'm not ready yet! :O So yea. xD

Next is Imayoshi Shoichi~


☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora