☆Human!Nigou 2

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~Sorry [Name]-chan!

So I don't know what to write anymore. XD hahaha. Pls excuse my lazyness and corniness. LOL. This is a sequel! This is requested by... AND THEN I FORGOT WHO YOU ARE AGUUN. I'm sorry. ;w;

☆☆☆ [Continuation of the other Human!Nigou shot I have -u-]

It has been four months since the day Nigou became a human. In that four months, so much had happened. Including you, that had grown feelings for the dog. Is it normal? I don't know. He kissed you before, but you knew that it was because of his innocence that he did that.

Having feelings for a dog is not normal. But like they always say, if you love someone you have to accept them no matter WHAT they are. So maybe you just have to accept the fact that you love a dog, in a human form. But maybe it's fine, he is a human now. Right?

"Ne, ne [Name]!" Aida called which drawn your attention to her. You blinked and smiled at her.


She giggled and motioned you to come nearer to her. "Come here." She said.

You obliged and sprinted towards her. "Haii~?"

"You like Nigou don't you?" She grinned. You felt your cheeks heated up as your eyes widen in shock.

"A-am I that obvious?!" You gasped.

She laughed and patted your shoulders. "No. I'm just teasing you."

"Riko-senpai!" You yelled and playfully smacked her arm. Aida continued to laugh. You pouted and sighed.

"Is it bad?" You asked.

Aida stopped laughing and looked at you. She didn't say anything for a second before sighing and then smiling. "No. Love comes in an unexpected way [Name]. You can't change the fact that you fell for a humanized dog."

You nodded and then averted your eyes to look at the raven-haired dog standing beside his master. "You want to confess right? Do it. Before you regret it." Aida said before patting your back and walking away from you.


Club hours are already finished. All of the players are now cleaning the whole gym with you and Aida of course. While cleaning, you decided that this is the right time to confess. You don't want to wait anymore because like Aida had said, you might regret it.

Sprinting towards Nigou, you called his name. "Nigou!"

Nigou then looked at you, he smiled and waved his hand. "[Name]-chan~!"

You smiled at him and stood in front of him. "Ne. I want to tell you something!" You beamed.

Nigou blinked twice an tilted his head. "Really? What is it then?"

You giggled and leaned closer to him. You tiptoed, because he is a little taller than you. "I like you."

You regained your posture and smiled at him. "Well?"

Nigou is blinking. And then he gave you a little smile. "Do you know [Name]-chan? I've always waited to hear those words from you."

You blushed. "Really?"

He nodded and his smile saddened. "Yeah. But.. Unfortunately.. I will transform into a dog again."

Your eyes widened. "What? R-right now?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I have only given a chance to be in this form for only four months or so. I'm sorry [Name]-chan."

You bit your lip to prevent your tears from falling that are forming in your eyes. "W-why is it has to be now? You're so unfair!"

Nigou let go of the mop he was holding and wrapped both of his arms around you. Burying your face into his chest, you also wrap your arms around him. "I'm sorry [Name]-chan.. I'm sorry."

You shook your head and sobbed. "No.. It's not your fault.."

You felt something wet on your shoulder only to realize that Nigou is also crying. "I'm sorry [Name]-chan. I love you."

You hugged him tighter and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." Are the last words you have said before something unexplainable happened and everything blacked out.


You felt something touch your cheek that made you wake up. Opening your eyes, you saw a dog beside you and your friends looking at you worried. "[Name]? You okay?" Aida asked.

You nodded and looked at Nigou, who was in his dog form now. You smiled and caressed its fur.

"He returned back to his old self [Last Name]-san." Kuroko said. You nodded again and carried the dog to sit on your lap.

"I know. But at least we've got the chance to be with his human form for four months right? That matters." You said while playing with the dog. You giggled as it licked you cheeks.

"Thank you [Name]-chan, I will always love you."

You stopped when you heard a familiar voice that said those words. Immediately you smiled and tickled the dog that was in your lap. "Thank you Nigou." You whispered and then giggled.

I love you too.


I'm sorry. ;---; I tried! I tried! I was trying to make it a feels one! But sadly I failed. </3 I tried. Lol. Anywaaay~ that was so OOC of Nigou. XD HAHAHA.


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