★Rinnosuke Mitobe

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I'm back. XD And my body hurts like hell. Sorry for not being active last weekend. I climbed up a mountain. Literally. XD Soooo~

OMG. Don't blame me for this. Please XD someone suggested Mitobe so~ after some thinking (Oh my gosh I didn't know I could think O.O) I came up with this another stupidity! HAHA. BEAR WITH ME PEOPLEEEE! CAUSE MITOBE IS ♥♥

And this is also short. :v


You are Seirin basketball club's manager. You are pretty close with all of them especially with Aida since the both of you are the only girls in the club.

"[y/n]~!" You heard Aida called.

"Yes Riko-san?" You replied.

She sat beside you and smiled at you. "Nothing. I just wanted to call your name. XD"


"Say.. [y/n]?"

You turned to Aida to see that she's staring back at you.


"You like Rinnosuke-kun right?" She asked.

You're eyes widen while your cheeks began to blush. "W-w-what?!"

She chuckled and leaned closer to you. "Confirmed~ So..? Why don't you confess?" She asked.

You sighed and then shrugged your shoulders. "I just..can't.. I mean I'm not really sure of what type of girl Rinnosuke-kun likes.." You murmured, playing with your fingers.

Aida didn't respond that made you look at her. She's staring at something or rather, someone. You followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at Rinnosuke.


She faced you and smiled. "Try confessing. Let's see what he'll do."

You blinked twice at her. But she just grinned at you then stood up and walked to the players.

Confess? Nothing bad will happen if you confess right? But what if? What if he ignore you? What if he don't talk to you anymore (though he doesn't talk -.-) What if he reject you?

There are so many what if's that may happen, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. It's normal to think negative thoughts, but always remember of being positive.

I made my decision! I'll confess to Rinnosuke-kun! Aja! Fighting!

Their practice ended and you waited for them to finish cleaning the gym.


"Kyaa! K-k-kuroko-kun?!" You exclaimed breathing harshly.

"Ah.. Gomen. I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

You shook your head while waving both of your hands. "N-no! I was just surprised!"

He nodded and--

"Arre? Kuroko-kun?" You said while looking for him. He just disappeared right infront of you. How awesome.

You sighed and walked around the gym. To see if it is cleaned already.

You stopped walking when Rinnosuke stood beside you.

You turned to face him and smiled. "Yes Rinnosuke-kun?"

"..." (1)

"Eh?" You blushed.


"R-really?!" You exclaimed blushing.

On the other side of the gym..

"What the hell.." Hyuuga said.

"She can understand what Rinnosuke-senpai is saying?" Kawahara said.

"Amazing.." Furihata said.

Back to the both of you..

"..." (3)

You widen your eyes and smiled. "Hai! I-I like Rinnosuke-kun too!"

"..." (4)

"Eh? Riko-san.." You said.


"Yes! We should thank her!"


And the both of you ran to Aida and thanked her.

"Eh? Eh? Y-you're welcome?" Aida replied.

At the other side of the court.. Again.

"Huwat." Hyuuga commented.

"Seriously..?" Kagami said.

"It's the feeling of love~" Koganei giggled.



(1)- "[y/n]-san.. I'll tell you something."

(2)- "I like you."

(3)-"Will you go out with me?"

(4)-"We should thank Riko.."


(6)-"Let's go?"


End? XD

Wadapak. I didn't know what I've done!! OMG. XD Huwwuuut~ LOL.

Next is--Kiyoshi Teppei???


☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ