★Himuro Tatsuya 6

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~Boyfriend Material

Sooo. Based again from another song! Boyfriend material! X'D Credits to Ariana Grande andddd whoever wrote this. Or is it also Ariana? Whatevs lol.


' Now I've been looking for someone
Trying to find the right boy to wear on my arm
I must admit it
You simply fit it
You were like a cut above the rest, that's why you're winning

This is cliche and I love cliches. (LOL) Walking through the corridors (i dunno how many times I wrote the same phrase HAHA) of your school, you kept your face straight. You heard chattering, giggling, laughing, and squealing from different women around your school.

All of them are talking about a certain raven head who ought to be your school's heartthrob. The name? Of course, read the title above. Himuro Tatsuya.

Wandering with your thoughts, you didn't notice the said guy walking pass you and accidentally hit your shoulder that made you lose your balance and sit on the floor.

"Ah! [Name]-chan! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" He said and helped you to stand up. You stared at him without saying anything. Probably charmed by his... Charms? LOL.


And that's when you went back to reality and looked at him. "A-ah! N-no no it's fine. I should be the one saying sorry." You nervously laughed and dusted yourself.

' Every night when I close my eyes, I can see you
My perfect type
And I never really thought my dreams would come true,
Until I laid eyes on you
'cause you know you are

He chuckled and patted your head. (Okay yes, you're so much smaller than him.) "Okay then. Be careful next time." He smiled and went ahead of you. He waved at you and you did the same.

After that scene, you felt glares from your back which made you look behind and saw the other girls shooting you evil daggers. You shrugged and walked again. But mentally flipping your hair because of what Himuro did. LOL.

' Boyfriend material, boyfriend material
That's what you're made of, it's written on your label
Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know

You're my boyfriend material, boyfriend material ♪

"Gomene [random name]-chan. But I can't accept your love." You heard someone said that made you stop your tracks. Looking around, you saw a familiar raven head talking to some random girl from the same school.

"B-but! Why? Aren't you single?" She asked. You raised your eyebrow and decided to listen to their convo.

Himuro chuckled. "But that doesn't mean I must have a girlfriend no?" He asked.

LOL. Nailed it. Girls thesd days. So desperate and so naive. You mentally said and shoom your head. You looked like a retarded stalker from your position btw. Lol

"M-mind if I ask you something then Himuro-kun?" The girl asked.

"Not at all."

"Do you like someone?"

' You're my boyfriend material, boyfriend material
That's what you're made of, it's written on your label
Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know

Ah yes. He is your boyfriend material. The looks, the attitude, the gentleman features and everything. Oh how you want him to be yours. And yes, you're also one of those cliche women who likes cliche guys. What do you expect? This is our society.

Himuro didn't say anything before chuckling again. "Yes. I do like someone."

Your eyes widened and you felt a spang on your chest. Why did your chest tighten? Why did you suddenly feel.. Pain? And hurt?

You love him?

Of course.

Who wouldn't?

"Wh-who is she?"

"It's a secret. Well then. See you around." Himuro said and left he woman. You then left your spot like nothing happened and went to the nearest restroom.

Oh the joy. It's actually nice to be in love. But being in love with the wrong person? I don't think so.

You sighed and stared at your reflection on the mirror. "[Name]. Kill yourself." You said.


"Boyfriend material, boyfriend materia--kyaa!" You were singing, before a ball roll over your direction that made you slip and accidentally sat on the floor.

"[Name]-chan!" You heard the oh so familiar voice, but ignored it. All you care about is, your aching butt.


"[Name]-chan? Are you alright? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Looking beside you, you saw Himuro looking at you with worry filling his eyes.

"I-it's fine. I'm fine. Really." You chuckled nervously and tried to stand up. But annoyingly failed. You just sprained your ankle.

"Ow." You whined.

"Oh my. I'll carry you to the infirmary. I'm really sorry [Name]-chan." Himuro said.

You smiled and waved. "No no. I'm fine. I can walk--ow." You whined again after you tried to stand up.. Again.

"Bo you're not. C'mere. I'll carry you on my back." He said and crouched down to your level. Now his back is facing you.

You can't help not to blush. Himuro? Carry you? Oh my God.

"Th-thanks." You murmured and went to his back. He then carefully stood up and made sure you're okay.

"I'll walk now." He said. You then hummed in agreement.

While walking, students, mostly girls, are whispering rather, gossiping about the both of you. On why is Himuro carrying you, why does Himuro always care for you, why does Himuro here, Himuro there, Himuro whatever! Ut honestly annoys you which made you tighten your grip on Himuro neck.

"Is there a problem [Name]-chan?" He asked. You shook your head and buried your face on his shoulder. "Nothing." You whispered.

"But you have one. Come on. There's no good in hiding a problem." He said.

"... People are.. Hating me now." You said.

"Hating you?"

"Because.. You're always.. Uh. With me."

Himuro didn't say anything before chuckling. "So? Let them be."

"But.. I know for a fact that every girl's dream boyfriend is you because you are so perfect and whatever. It can't be helped." You pouted.

He stayed silent again for maybe two seconds before stopping his tracks and turning his head sidewards with his eyes looking at you. "So.. You say I'm your boyfriend material?"

"Yes! I mean no. Wait what?" You asked.

Himuro smiled and then laughed. He tricked you lol. "Glad to hear that."

"Because I honestly think that you are my girlfriend material." He smiled.

Blushu blushu. ♥


No commentttt. :D HAHAHA. I'm currently working on your requests guys! ♥


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