★ Kagami Taiga

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~ Death

Uhm. So, I don't know what I wrote so.. Please just appreciate this chapter XD HAHA.


You and the gang (GoM) with the other three (Kagami, Himuro and Takao) were on a mission to save a building from robbers. You are just helping them because you're good at strategy making just like Akashi. But since Akashi is also needed to offense, you were brought here to give them some ideas on how to get into the building.

You were explaing your so called strategy to them, and once they got it. They immediately got up and did what they were told. You stayed at the armored van to protect yourself.

After a few hours or so, you saw them walking back with the robbers with their hands tied and all unable to move. You sighed in relief to see all of them safe, but they have minor wounds and cuts.

"[y/n], thanks for helping us." You heard Aomine said. He was the real police here. The gang and you were just helping him out.

"Yeah sure. No prob." You said, smiling at him. He nodded and talked to the all tied up thugs. You wander your eyes and saw him looking at you.

You smiled at him and waved. He did the same.

Well at least he got no fatal injuries. You said to yourself. But then you saw something or someone walking slowly to the gang, a gun in his hand.

You widen your eyes and ran out of the vehicle and screamed in the top of your lungs.




The sound of the gunshot was heard through out the whole area. Your eyes are still widening in fear, and in shock. Aomine caught the shooter due to his fast reflexes.

But you on the other hand kneeled down to Kagami who was lying on the ground clutching the part where the bullet strucked him.

Without further notice, you brought him to your arms. His breathing was so faint, chest not rising the slightest as everyone screamed for what happened and if Kagami's doing alright.

"Shut up!" you yelled.

"If you guys know how to act as cops then call for an ambulance already!"

Then all of them brought out their phones and called the emergency hotline at the same time, that blocked the line.

Oh goddammit! You cursed.

You looked at Kagami who was still breathing, "Taiga, hang in there. Don't die on me yet."

You feel his wound but paused. Something is wrong. You can't feel any wetness, and his shirt isn't cupped with blood. Gripping into his shirt, you felt something underneath it. And wothout further ado, you graso his shirt and ripped it apart. (Whoa wattanice XD You ripped it!)

Then your eyes twitched with what you saw.

"God.. I'm dying.. Oh my God I'm dying.. I can see the light--OWWW!"

Everyone stopped and looked at the both of you, only to see Kagami being choked by you. Looking closely, they can see Kagami's chest in black and a part of it with one tiny hole.

"When the heck did you put this on?!" You yelled at him, after releasing his neck and pointing at the bulletproof he's wearing. Kagami winced in pain as he rub his neck.

"Well, I heard that the robbers have guns so.. I guess this is just a precaution."

"Don't you dare scare me like that baka!" You yelled, not impressed by how much he was cackling at your tear filled face. Everyone gave him an exasperated glance, couldn't believe they were worried about their friend who was an idiot before turning their heels and went to the van.

"Oh c'mon [y/n], it's not like I did that on purpose! I was scared to death too!"

"Don't you dare talk about that word." You hissed, but then he laughed and pulled you to his chest. Hugging you.

"Let go of me." You said.

"Nah. I think letting you go like that wouldn't be easy."

You just punched his chest playfully as you wrap your arms around him.



Sheesh XD I got no more ideas! What am I going to do? :O Haha! XD Gimme some? Please? :D

Next is Takao Kazunari~~ ♡


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