100 facts smthg xD

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Erkey so I was tagged by @ExplodedOvary_ hannahclemens37 and @JSwizzle04. And Shadamynic expecting me to post this bahaha.

SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE I CRI.. desu. Loljk. I was suffering from writer's block and lack of motivation and inspiration lol anyway.

Let's start this? //cra i s


1. Real name: Kate Eidrienne (ehehe)

2. Nickname: Kate/ Pure (as in Pi-yur) /Amanda (ahaha lol sorry)

3. Favorite color: Red and Blue

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary school: MQSM

6. Middle school: No middle school in Phil c:

7. High school: BSU

8. College: BSU, BS Accounting Tech

9. Hair color: Black desu desu

10. Tall or Short: SHORT X'D

11. Sweats or Jeans: Bothhh

12. Phone or Camera: Phoneee

13. Health Freak: Yes yes

14. Orange or Apple: BOTH!

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Anime character? YES! AKASHI!! loljk. I have c':

16. Guy friends or Girl friends: Maybe bothhh

17. Piercings: None atm

18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke desu

19. Have you been in an airplane: NAWPP

20. Have you been in a relationship: With Akashi Seijuurou (lol) Nawp. With God only ❤

21. Have you been in a car accident: Nopee

22. Have you been in a fist fight: Maybe lol

23. First piercing: Ears!

24. Best Friend(s): Many. You know who you are c:

25. First award: LOYALTY AWARD XDDD

26. First crush: How would I know lol I was a pre-schooler that time X'D

27. First word: Mama? Wahaha my mom told me xD

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