☆ Kuroko Tetsuya

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~ Milkshake

ShadeOfBluee: I honestly don't know what I'm typing. So I'm warning you. Kuroko's bit out of character. Gomen~


You were waiting for your order at Maji Burger. You ordered one burger and one vanilla milkshake. You love their milkshake for its delicious taste. Once you've got your order, you roam around and looked for any vacant seats.

You can't see any, so you decided to go back to the counter and just tell them to pack your order and you'll take it out.

But before you take another step, someone called your name.


You looked for the person calling you and saw a teal-haired boy, waving at you. You immediately walk through him and greeted him.

"Ah, konnichiwa Kuroko-kun." You said.

"Konnichiwa [y/n]-san. I saw you having problems of looking for vacant seats. You can sit here if you like." He said.

You blinked twice and felt heat rising up to your cheeks. You never expected that, Kuroko Tetsuya, your long time crush, offering you to sit with him.

"C-can.. I?" You asked.

He smiled at you and nodded, "Yes, [y/n]-san."

Nodding, you sat across him. He looked at you while sipping on his milkshake.

I see, so he like their milkshake too. You thought as you took a bite at your burger.

Silence flood over the both of you out of awkwardness. You hate silence, that's why you decide to broke it.

"What brings you here Kuroko-kun?" You asked.

He put down his milkshake and answered you, "I was with Kagami-kun but due to emergency matters, he went home ahead of me."

Nodding you continued to chew on your burger. Thinking of a way to start another topic.

"How about you [y/n]-san, why are you here alone?" He asked.

Putting down your unfinished food, you gulped. "I was supposed to be with my friend, but she had an emergency, also. Family matters." You said.

"Ah. So that makes you, eating here?"

Shaking your head you said, "No. I was planning on going home but, my stomach didn't agree with me so I HAD to eat." You said.

He nodded and continued to drinj his milkshake. You finished off your food and then sipped your milkshake, also.

"You're into milkshakes too?" He asked.

You smiled and nod at him. "Yep. Their milkshake is awesome. It's the most delicious shake I've ever tasted." You said. Unaware of the way you say every word.

He chuckled and said, "I see then. I thought of the same thing. I didn't know you like milkshakes."

Blushing, you frowned. "Ah.. ehh. My mom used to buy me milkshakes whenever we go to malls or parks. So I kind of, got used to it." You said, still frowning out of embarassment.

You heard him chuckle again.

Why do his chuckle, sounded like a laugh of an angel? You thought.

Realizing what you just said to yourself, you shook your head to erase it.

"I see. Then what do you think of milkshakes?" He asked.

You looked at him, confused. What do I think of milkshakes? That's an odd question from such a Laconic person. You told yourself.

[ShadeOfBluee: Laconic refers to 'Man of few words']

"What do.. I think of milkshakes?" You asked.

"I was the one who asked you, [y/n]-san." He said.

Looking at his eyes, tho it's not a good idea. Because you felt blood rushing to your face when uou did eye contact with him.

"Gomen.. What do I think of.. Milkshakes? I think milkshakes are an.. awesome drink? I dunno. I only know that this is a favorite drink of mine and it's also delicious and have an incredible sweetness. Tho, it's not that sweet like pure sugar." You said.

He didn't say anything and just stared at your [e/c] orbs. You felt blood rushing through your face again.

But then, a sudden move of his made your heart skip a beat. He smiled at you and reached for your [h/c] locks.

Please Kuroko-kun, stop doing that. I'll faint. You thought.

You're still blushing because of him, he smiled at you again and said.

"You know what's sweeter than a milkshake?" He asked.

You raised an eyebrow at him, completely unaware of what he's talking about.

"What?" You asked.

"This." He said.

And his next move made you flinch and feel butterflies in your stomach.

H-he's kissing me.. K-kuroko-kun's kissing me! Kyaaa~! You internally screamed.

He pulled back and you, still haven't processed anything that happened.

You looked at him, his face is all flustered and smiling awkwardly at you.

"I was right.. Your lips are far more sweeter than any other milkshake I've tasted." He said and gave you another kiss on the lips, tho it's only a smack.

I can't believe it. The man of my dreams, kissed me. On my lips. Lips. Kyaaa~!!


I'm sorry for the crap I made. I just can't think of anything to write. I felt an urge to write another fanfiction of KnB 'cause, I really love the anime. And also, typographical, grammatical and spelling errors are to be forgiven. I'm sorry. Gomen. Well, jaa~

Short? Don't worry, the next one is a bit long. XD Just a bit. Hehe~

Next is Kise Ryouta~ ♡



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