☆Akashi Seijuro 6

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This is requested by kurobara101. Enjoy~ :D Forgive my typos and errors. Forgive akashee's oocness. Hihi <3


You decided to leave your house at ten in the morning, because who knows why. The author is letting you decide to what you're going to do because she doesn't know what to write. xD

Walking through the streets, you walked passed a store and there is this pair of red scissors glistening. You smiled to yourself upon remembering your boyfriend who loves the razor.

After few strolls and such, it's already six in the evening and you didn't realized it. You decided to go home because it's getting dark and you knew that your redhead is already home.

When you got home, you checked your wrist watch again, and saw that it's already 6:20 pm. You looked back at the house and saw no lights on. Assuming that the redhead aren't home yet, you entered your house.

Opening the door, you heard it creaked in the most creepy way than the way it was before. You don't know how, but it just did. You shrugged it off and continued your way inside. Closing the door, you heard faint sounds coming from the house. You shivered and you began to feel uneasy.

"Sei? Are you home?" You called. No one answered, which creeped you more.

You decided to switch the light on but when you pressed the switch, it didn't lit up. You gasped and tried to press it again, but nothing happened.

"What the actual hell?" you cursed.

*woosh woosh <--creepy sfx brought to you by Nigou. xD

You turned around to see the source of the sound but still, you saw nothing but darkness. Darkness?

Your heart began to throb so fast and felt your breathing became harsh. You have a fear of the dark ever since you were a kid. Darkness brings bad memories and sometimes, darkness meant sadness. And fear.

"P-please. Whoever you are. Please spare me." You trembled.

You heard nothing again but a faint sound of a *blag. Something that fell and broke. Assuming that it came from the kitchen, you slowly walk towards there hoping(honestly no lol) to see the source of the sound.

And there you saw a plate underneath the table, shattered. You crouched down and decided to pick them up and throw it away when you felt a cold wind blew behind you.

You shivered once again and felt all the hair you got on your nape stood.


You flinched, your heart skipped a beat, you stopped breathing for seconds and felt your eyes water. Because of the sound that called your name. Besides darkness, you have a great fear of ghosts and other unidentified creatures.

"P-please go away.." You sobbed.


You cried harder and held your head, hoping that the voice would stop.

The voice stopped, surprisingly. Slowly you got up and slowly you started to walk. Hoping, praying that Akashi would be there.

But when you were about to walk, you felt something or someone tapped your shoulder and forcefully spun you around and,


"Gyaaaaaah!!!" You screamed so high and started crying again.

The lights lit up and revealed a snickering redhead in front of you while holding your shoulders. On the other hand, you kept on crying and sobbing because of the huge fear that enveloped your soul and body. Your body was trembling and your lips are quivering.

"[N-name]!" Akashi called while supressing his laugh.

You didn't say anything but kept on crying.

"I'm sorry [Name]."

You tried so hard to glare at him but because of the tears dwelling upon your face, you can't.

"N-no! Y-you di-didn't know--h-how scar--ed I w-was!" You hiccuped.

Akashi didn't say anything but hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see your face."

You weakly slapped him at his back. "I hate you."

Akashi pulled away from the hug and smirked at you. "No you don't."

After saying those words, he leant down and gave you a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss that resolved that he is forgiven.


No comment, omg two updates in one day! HAHAAHA! I think I ruined Akashee more than the first shots I made.


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