★Kuroko Tetsuya 8

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Requested by otakugirlvp. //coughs another short one. Inspired by an AkaKuro doujin again. HAHAHA

Excuse my spacing though. HAHAHA XD


Walking alone on your school's hallway, you hear footsteps nearing you making you stop walking. Turning around, you saw a tealhead gently smiling at you.

You can't help not to smile too.

Kuroko Tetsuya was your friend since you entered Seirin, he was a seatmate back from first year, and became one of your closest friends.

Being close friends have an advantage and disadvantage though.

Advantage: You get to see him everyday, talk to each other, and even study together!

Disadvantage? You fell. You fell for him. It may be a good thing for others, but for you? Nah. You don't want the feeling, because you don't want to ruin your friendship.

"Hey Kuroko-kun?" You smiled and waved at him.

He stopped his tracks when he reached your side. "Hey.. [Last Name]-chan."

"Do you need something?" You asked.

He blinked first before frowning. "Ah."

You chuckled and gave him a small pat on his back. "Does Kuroko-kun want to kiss me somewhere?" You joked, and then chuckled. Kuroko seemed to take it seriously when he didn't reply.

"Ah- I'm just kiddin-" you weren't able to finish your sentence when he grabbed your hand and entwined his fingers around yours.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked, your heart beating fast.

He pulled your hand towards his face and then-he kissed the back of your fist. You bit your lip and blinked twice. "K-ku-"

He smiled and gently let go of your hand. "Like that? [Last Name]-chan, come to me tomorrow if you already know why I kissed your hand."

He said and walked away.


Upon arriving in your house, you immediately went to your computer and opened it.

Meaning behind kisses.

Hand kiss- When someone kissed you on your hand, it simply state that he respect you or care of you.

Simply saying, 'I adore you'

Your face heated up as you covered your face.



Ey HAHAHA gdi im sorry I ruined Kuroko! Bye XD

For Filipino readers there, I would like to share something. HAHAHAHA goddammit

So I was watching Myx a while ago (uh morning yeah), then Myx Movie date was showing. And then- it showed some trailers of other movies and omyshit. I heard Hange's voice from the trailer. I mean the live action and alsjdkseidndhdn! I was like:


I wanted to jump around like a retarded shit but, my head was aching and I have a fever. HAHAHAHA omygod okay

Kshare. :v HAHAHA BYE.

Ah PS. Accdg to the TV (bwahaha wat) first part will be shown on August, 2nd is on September.


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