☆Aomine and Imayoshi

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~Who is better?

Requested by sorakoi. This is short idk why lol. XD


Statring at the two males in front of you, you sighed. It's been two weeks since both of them always pester you. Why? Both of them likes you and asked you to go out, on the same day and time.

"Just admit defeat Aomine." Imayoshi smirked and glared at his kouhai.

Aomine clicked his tongue. "No can do senpai. After all, [Name] likes me."

You got irked by what he said. You were about to say something but stopped by Imayoshi.

"Oh? Why don't we ask [Last Name]?" He said.

Aomine, is a batchmate of yours, meaning he is also a first year but both of you aren't in the same class. Since he's lazy to even open his notes, he was placed in class C while you on the other hand, was placed in class A. And that left Imayoshi as your senpai.

Both of the males looked at you with eyes full of desire and persistency. Mentally sighing, you raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. "What the hell do you want?"

"Choose among the both of us."

"No." You said.

"What? Why?" Aomine asked.

You glared at him. "I don't have time for this stupid game Aomine, Imayoshi-senpai." You said and started to walk away.

Both of them called your name but you didn't even looked back nor waved. Such a bad btch you are. Lol.


You sighed for the 12th time now. Since that day that both males asked you to choose, you've been receiving gifts and whatever. Like flowers, chocolates, and other material things. It's getting in your nerve by the way. Because you hate people who give you things like that. It's like bribing you or some sort.

"You got another again? Wow [Name]. Both that blue-haired potato and that spectacled senpai of ours are loyal huh?" Said your best friend, [F.Name], and laughed.

You glared at her and buried your face between your arms. "I can't take it anymore. Both are acting childish and it annoys me." You groaned. [F.Name] chuckled and grabbed the bar of chocolate. "I'll eat this huh? Thanks."

"Go ahead. I don't care." You whined. She just laughed again.


"What the hell are you two doing?" You asked, after seeing the two males (again) in front of you, but they are not looking at you. They are sitting on a table--I mean chairs with a table-- and staring at each other.

Is it a staring contest? Nope. Aomine will lose. Is it a winking contest then? Dafuq?

"Shut up for a while [Name]." Aomine said. You looked at them blankly and decided to watch what they are doing.

After a while, their hands suddenly moved and--

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

You almost fell off the chair. They are playing rock paper scissors?!

"AHHH. You lost senpai. HAHA." Aomine teasingly laughed.

Imayoshi clicked his tongue. "Don't laugh Aho. You said best of five right? Then best of five it is."

"Kay. Four more to go."


In the end, Aomine still won. But what is the meaning of playing the silly game anyway?

"Sooo. Since I won, I get to confess to [Name] first? HA HA." Aomine smirked at Imayoshi who just scowled and looked away.

Oh so that's why.


"I loved you since middle school. I love your smile, your [eye color] eyes, your [length] [hair color], your laugh that soothes my ears, and everything about you. [Name], please accept my feelings." He said and bowed.

You blushed on his compliments. Never in your life that Aomine had said those to you. This is the first time since both of you were in middle school.

"It's my turn aho." Imayoshi said and pushed Aomine away from you.

"[Last Name], I know I haven't known you for long, but I have fallen in love with you the first time I saw you. You are great in basketball, and you are a smart kid. You're beautiful and you smile the britghtest. Accept my feelings." He said, more like command. LOL.

"Well?" Both of them asked.

You stared at them and sighed. Guess you have to choose huh? Remember that you must choose among two people. But always choose the best.

"Uhm. Thank you for loving me.."

"And.. Uh.."


"I also love..."



Open ending for all of you! Cuz I like srsly don't know whom I should choose for you lol. So it's up to you. Whoever you chose, then yay! For the other one, well sorry for him. Lol.


☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon