Chapter Forty

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I drifted in darkness. I could hear my breathing, but it sounded like I was still underwater. My heartbeat was just as faint, and it was like I was stuck in a gentle, but desolate dream.

Deep in the haze, I heard a distant growl similar to Gray's, but more familiar and far more wild than the predatory Ice Mage's. It was furious.

And then I was brought back, just to the surface of the water, when a wave of heat fanned my upraised hand. It was followed by a sharper, more prominent flash of icy cold across my arm.

And then, I knew I was dead. Because through the thick water, I heard the voice of an angel. It was calling my name, desperately, pleadingly, making me feel bad for it.

"No! Lucy! No! No! No!" The angelic voice cried out in horror, becoming louder, drawing closer. Behind it, a vicious snarl echoed across the thick haze. It had a feminine edge to it, like a cat compared to the snake-like hissing from before. The more familiar growl echoed again, and another wave of ferocious heat blew across the room, simply wafting against my skin as opposed to the damage I heard it bring around me. There was a crash against, or rather, into the floorboards. Then, it was continuous bashing and snapping, like something was colliding with the wood over and over. And finally, there was the sound of something shattering, like glass exploding from heat.

The angelic voice was right next to me then, "Lucy! Baby, please no! No! No! Open your eyes, you come back to me!" It rang.

Come back? I could feel a signature warmth engulf me, holding on to me.

Okay, I wanted to say, I'm right here. But I couldn't move my lips or open my eyes to tell him.

"Laxus!" The angel screamed, broken sobs echoing from the voice and around our vicinity, "Oh my God, Lucy..." It wept, sounding weak from pain, "Please... I can't... Please..."

The voice sounded nearly faint from crying. This was wrong. The angel shouldn't have been crying. He shouldn't have been in pain. It was oh, so utterly wrong. But instead of being able to tell him not to worry, I was stuck in the infinite dark haze.

A sharp pressure covered my head, and as that pain shot through my scalp, I was ripped out of the darkness, gasping and crying out.

"Lucy!" The angel cried, relief and shock mixed into his voice.

"She's lost blood, but the head wound isn't deep, thank God." Another deep, soothing voice informed, "Watch out for her leg, it's broken."

A howl of fury came from the depths of my angel's chest.

I felt a sharp pressure on my side and I winced in pain. This couldn't be heaven. Pain shouldn't exist there, so why was I feeling everything?

I heard another cry, smaller and higher than the one from my angel. It was like a confused child's. More wreckage ensued in the distance, but my focus could only stay with the voices closest to me.

"Some ribs too, I think." The soothing voice added.

"No... Lucy." I heard, the child's cry shifting into a voice.

And then, I felt my eyelids beginning to part as a new pain arose.

It was much more evident than the pain around my head, or the pain coursing through my leg. This pain was clawing at my arm, freezing it. I gasped at feeling. It was like when your arm falls asleep: at first, it's numb, but when you move it, and blood begins to flow, pins and needles are stabbing you from the inside.

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