Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Are you still faint from the run, or was it my kissing expertise?" Natsu said, sitting in the driver's side of my Beetle. We were in route back to my house.

He was a totally new person. Touching me didn't seem to bother him anymore (the fiery temperature of his skin made him think it bothered me,) and he was so lighthearted... so human. I fell all the more in love with him. I knew it would cause me physical pain to be separated from him now.

"I'm not sure," I blushed, covered in the coat he brought with him. It was practically soaked in his scent and warmth. He only had to turn the heat up for a moment to cancel out the cold my body felt from the rain. His coat handled the rest, "I think it might be both... I'm still kinda woozy."

He laughed, "Well then it's a good thing we agreed on me driving back." He said softly, his blazing thumb rubbing against the back of my hand. I looked out the window to see us passing by the fellow cars and trees in a blindingly fast speed. How could my Beetle even go this fast?

"Are you insane?" I chuckled.

"I can drive better than you on your best day." He teased, and I laughed with him, "You have much slower reflexes."

"I'm certain that's true, but I don't think my nerves, or my car, can handle this, Pinkie." I shot, and he smirked.

"You should be thanking me. I've spent a great deal trying to keep you alive, and I'm not about to let you risk your life by getting behind the wheel." He continued, and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, "Besides, I don't let friends drive drunk."

"Drunk?" I exclaimed, and he nodded with the same stupid mischievous smile on his face.

"You're intoxicated by my very presence." He said breathlessly, adding to his antics. I playfully swatted his bicep.

"Can't argue with that." I chuckled, and he looked at me, "Are you not taken by me at all, though?" I asked, and his face transformed again. Joking and playful to soft and comforting.

He looked back at the road, "You have no idea, Heartfilia."


"Are you ever going to tell me how old you are?" I asked after he had raved on and on about his favorite times in regards to music. He went all the way back to the 20s, so I just had to know. He looked at me skeptically.

"Does it matter?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Not at all, but you know how curious I am... There's nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you up at night." I baited him, and he sighed.

"I just wonder if it'll upset you." He mumbled, turning into my neighborhood.

"Of all things?" I inquired sarcastically, and he smiled.

"True." He said, cutting a corner. He looked at me, "I was born in Alvarez in fifteen-oh-one."

My gasp was uncontainable. I stared at him for a while, and he kept his eyes on the street with a clever smile on his face.

"I know, I know," He nodded, "I don't look it." He flaunted, and I broke out in laughter.

"Jeez, my boyfriend is such an old man." I gasped, and he rolled his eyes. He liked the title though, considering the corner of his mouth perked up ever so slightly when I said it.

"I died at eighteen, but Zeref kept my body frozen for two years. It was like fifteen-twenty when he finally recreated me. Laxus, Mira, and I left around seventeen-hundred." He explained, and I blinked in astonishment.

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