Chapter Fourteen

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For rest of the day, I barely saw Natsu at school. But I knew he was there. He carried a certain atmosphere around him, and it was in the air around me now. Maybe I've just familiarized myself with him a little too much, but anyway he was there.

However, I tried to push that bit of drama to the back of my head. Today was the day of the get-together at Loke's. The word had certainly gotten around in the school, and a few people asked if they could tag along, having nothing special to do over the weekend. I denied all of them though, not wanting to exceed Loke's limit of a few friends. Some of them I didn't even talk to that much. 

My main squad was way too hyped about the event, lemmetellya. Jet and Ren had purchased loads of fireworks to blast off, and Cana and Bacchus had loaded up on drinks. Loke told me he'd supply the food and just wanted me to bring people. Jenny was the only one who didn't really contribute. She was ecstatic, nonetheless, all worry about the current issues around Magnolia simmering down.

I was pretty excited myself. The railroads held great memories for me, and I realized something when I woke up this morning.

Loke never told me what got him so shaken about the Dreyers. From the things Cana told me, and the way they act, I couldn't understand his distaste towards them. He didn't go to school with us, so it wouldn't be because of their distance towards outsiders. Jude seems to love them, and he loves Makarov and Loke just as much. So this had to be a personal thing.

I decided to ask him about it today.

As I walked outside to my little Bug, I felt my phone buzzing repeatedly from the group chat with my friends being overly excited like this morning. I stepped right beside my car, finally fishing into my purse for my phone, as well as my keys.

However, when I pulled my phone out, my keys were dragged out with it and dropped from out of my purse. I sighed, bending down to pick them up when a large hand grabbed them up first. I shot up, looking into the bright eyes of Natsu Dragneel. He stood erect, holding the hook of my keys with his thumb and index fingers. He raised them up with a smirk on his face.

I looked at him with bewilderment, "How the f-"

"Did I startle you?" He said, imitating a posh British accent. It was pretty spot on. I couldn't help but giggle.

I snatched the keys out of his fingers, "I see someone's experienced their millionth mood swing. You're really starting to give me whiplash, y'know." I joked. His smirk faltered a bit.

"I wanted to ask you about something." He stated.

"Really? 'Cuz I've got about a thousand questions to ask you, but the difference between the two of us is that I'd actually answer yours." I said, opening the driver's door and tossing my bag over to the passenger's side.

"Luce, come on." He pleaded, poking out his bottom lip. I sighed.

"Fine. What's up?" I gave in, and he smiled softly.

"Two things. One, I hope you have fun at that get-together tonight. Be safe." He said, and I was a little shocked.

He wanted me to be safe... I blushed, turning away from him. I heard him chuckle. 

"A-Are you sure... about not tagging along?" I asked, looking back up at him. He sighed, his eyes boring into mine.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You guys have fun though." He said softly. I nodded, trying desperately to hide my blush.

"Thanks... Um, what was the second thing?" I asked. He tilted his head, still smiling sweetly, and rocking back and forth on his heels.

"It's about prom." He said, and my heart dropped. My eyes widened at him, my blush emanating from my face like a wildfire. He laughed at my expression, "Calm down, let me finish. Are you really going out of town that day? Or was that some excuse for Akatsuki?" He said, scowling after saying Ren's last name. I stared at him in shock.

"Um... Why?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Because I have a proposition for you. Answer the question."

"Well, yeah it was just to get Ren off my back. Nine times out of ten, I'll just stay home anyway." I shrugged and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why?" He asked, genuinely curious. He almost sounded worried. I chuckled.

"Dances... aren't really for me." I said. His expression didn't change.

"Why not?" He pressed. I sighed.

"They just aren't." I breathed, dropping my gaze from his face. He continued to look at me for a moment.

"We'll see..." He whispered, and I looked up at him in confusion. Before I could question him, he spoke, "Well, anyway, I wanted to know if you were planning on going anywhere upstate."

"Oh," I said, "Well, I was actually thinking about that. I kinda wanted to get out of fog-town." I said, gesturing to the mist surfing along the ground. He scoffed.

"You want a ride?" He asked, and I looked at him in bewilderment before laughing.

"With who?" I asked, humor dancing in my voice.

He looked at me like I was the dumbest person in the world, "With me, dumb-dumb."

My eyes flickered from side to side, "Natsu, I thought you said we shouldn't be friends..." I said, confused as hell at this point. He never seized to discombobulate me. He smiled, shrugging.

"I figured I might as well have some fun since I'm going to hell." He smirked, and I blinked before shaking my head to clear my mind.

"I don't follow." I grinned, and he sighed.

"I figured as much. Just know, I'm... done trying staying away from you, Lucy." He whispered, and my eyes widened.

"For real this time?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned.

"I promise." He said, raising his pinkie finger for me. I eyed him.

"You promise a lot of things." I said, and his eyes bored into mine intently, "I guess I'm really not that smart." I locked my pinkie finger with his, and his grin faded. His emerald eyes still beat into my chocolate ones.

"You should really stay away from me." He whispered, before releasing my finger and walking off to his car.


When I arrived home, I changed out of my school clothes and into some more comfortable ones: holy jeans and a sweatshirt. I took my hair down from its messy knotted style and tied it into a loose ponytail.

Then, I grabbed my car keys and satchel, loaded with my phone and essentials, and headed back outside to my little Bug.

I cranked the engine up and drove down the long driveway, cruising over to Loke's place. It took less than twenty minutes to arrive, and the redhead boy had been sitting on his yard waiting for me.

Loke's house was exactly as I remembered it. On nearly two acres of land and surrounded by one of Magnolia's many forests, there sat a small red, barn house as living quarters. In addition, there was a man-made garage, created with two simple sheds screwed in together with their inner walls taken out for extra space. Inside and outside of the garage sat a thousand parts, tool sheds, and a few dismantled cars.

I put my little Bug in park along Loke's dirt-way, and stepped out. I was immediately met with a giant hug. I smiled, hugging the childish lion back.

He pulled away, "You ready to blast off, princess?"

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