Chapter Sixteen

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I laid in bed after I got home, thinking about everything Loke had told me about his family and Natsu's. 

It didn't add up. I mean, how the hell could the Dreyers have been the strange group from Loke's story? How could they have been around to know his great-grandfather and still be here? To not have changed one bit, considering their youth and the fact that they could be recognized by Loke's family to this day?

But then, I thought of the Dark One, and how Loke said they couldn't kill him, just weaken. He was immortal... Could he have given his disciples that same gift? The gift of living forever? Were all of the castors back then the same? 

I was now itching to get to Strawberry Street's library. I wanted to get to that sweet and beautiful fantasy-myth section, and search for any Celestial Tribe Legends. Maybe I could find something about Dark Wizards and demonic beings that could live for centuries on end.

I laid in bed, the lamp on my nightstand being the only source of light in the room. My eyes darted from the ceiling to the window, watching the sun peak over the curvature of the Earth. I didn't sleep at all, my mind overpowering me and forcing my insomnia. I couldn't shake the itchy feeling any longer. 

I got up to sit in front of my laptop. I let it beam to life before typing into the Google search bar, "Celestial Tribe Legends."

I was given at least a million results, and after the shock of that wore off, I selected the most appealing one: Wars of the Celestial Tribe. I was brought to an old-fashioned website, which held five tabs at the top of the home screen. My eyes landed on the fourth tab.  


I clicked on it immediately and was led to a new page. The screen displayed four links labeled Alvarez, Nomads, Fiore, Central Earthland, Southern Earthland and Pergrande Kingdom respectively. I clicked the link for Fiore and was met with a brief synopsis of the story.

My curiosity wasn't small enough for a six-sentenced summary, but what really caught my eye was the list of libraries at the top of the page. Google Maps tracked my location and directed me to the bookstore on Strawberry Street.

It was a miracle. There were three informative articles and two books, a hardcover and a paperback, in stock at the store. I smiled and wrote down the name of the books and shoved the Post-It into my purse.


"Okay, I don't really know about this one." Jenny whined to Cana, trying on her tenth dress in the last fifteen minutes. I sighed heavily, sitting on the window display panel of the dress-stuffed Good Will store. Cana rolled her eyes at the disappointed blonde and I starred out of the window to Cana's burgundy Chevy Nova.

"Jen, you understand Junior prom is the epitome of times to look skrubby, right? You don't need to get gussied up until next year. That's when you come out with a bang. Now, pick a goddamn dress already!" Cana yelled, and Jenny poked her bottom lip out.

"CeCe, prom is prom!" She said, placing emphasis on each word, "You never look skrubby at any prom! Sure, it's not considered the crème de la crème, but it's still something! Ugh, Luce, what do you think?" Jenny exasperated.

I turned my head in her direction, eyeing the short light-blue cupcake dress. If she wasn't a friend of mine, I would've gagged at the girly frill, but I closed my mouth into a tight line.

"Turn around." I humored her. I honestly didn't care. Jenny could wear a garbage bag to the dance and still make it look chic. I tilted my head, and she did a slow three-sixty, her expression hopeful. I smiled softly, "I think it looks nice." She huffed in annoyance.

"Jesus Christ, you said that about the last couple of dresses! Who are you? Bella Swan?" She exclaimed, turning to the rack and yanking out another dress. Cana and I burst with laughter as she stomped into the dressing room.

"I'm guessing it's safe to say neither of us are girly-girls, like some people." Cana winked at me, and I clicked my teeth at her.

"I heard that!" Jenny called inside her stall.

"You were meant to." Cana called back.

"I'll be honest, I actually really want to hit up the bookstore on this street." I said, sighing in shame. I didn't want to ditch my friends like this but... I mean, I did tell them I had errands to run, so it wasn't so bad.

"Oh yeah, you did have some business on this side of town," Cana nodded in remembrance, "Hey, I'd do anything to get out of here. It's just... Jenny." She rolled her eyes at the dressing stall occupied by the blonde. Cana had picked the first dress she saw when we arrived: a purple two-piece set. The top had dozens of dazzling jewels on it, was sleeveless, and stopped at her rib-cage, exposing the small of her back. The floor-length skirt was a rich violet, clinging just below her belly-button and flowing down to the floor. She may have not been a girly girl, but Cana was about to slay every single girl on campus.

"You have no idea." I chuckled.

"Why don't you go on ahead? I'm sure I can entertain her for another few minutes."

"You sure? I don't wanna get ghost on you guys like that." 

"Nah, it's fine. You're not even going to prom, what's the point?" She smiled, and I smiled thankfully at her.

"I won't be long, I just need to get this book for Astrology." I shrugged, figuring the term Celestial fit into that category so they wouldn't question much if they saw the book.

"Okay. You remember the dinner spot?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Can't miss Maggianos." I said, collecting my stuff, "See you at around eight." 

"Kay-kay." She replied, heading for Jenny's stall to yank her out. I exited the store, and looked at the address of the bookstore I jotted down. The Good Will store seemed to be a few blocks away from it. 

I walked down the road, sticking to the sidewalk as cars passed by. I ended up tightrope-walking along the stone edge of the town's river system. I hummed as I neared the area I believed to hold my designated bookstore. However, as I skimmed down the row of lots and address numbers, I drew a blank. 

The bookstore wasn't around here. I sighed, walking into a nail shop to ask for directions. The pretty receptionist told me the store was "a-ways-away." I huffed and thanked her, plugging the address into my phone to see it was nearly a two-hour walk. 


I contemplated turning around and going back to the Good Will shack, but I figured I needed a little walk anyway... even if I was no where near dressed for it. I was in some pretty tight skinny jeans, a sleeveless hoodie, and some high-top converse. 

I rolled my eyes at myself and pushed myself up the first hill towards my destination. Fortunately, it wasn't scheduled to rain today. I noticed how the sky was turning into a peachy color, losing its bright blue hue. If the directions were precise, I'd be back to Cana and Jenny by 10 instead of 8. I was sure the trip would only be a few minutes by car. 

But with a heavy heart, I walked.

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