Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was an interesting feeling going to school the next morning. 

Jude suggested that I stay home if I needed to, but a part of me knew I had to be with my friends today. So, I sat up and walked into the bathroom, my body feeling somewhere in between lively and numb.

I dressed into some light-blue holy jeans, some dark-blue high tops, and a dark-blue hoodie. My hair fell freely.

When I came downstairs, Natsu sat in the living room with Jude, watching the news. The pinkette's eyes trailed to me slowly, knowing I was coming down before Jude even acknowledged my appearance. I smiled softly at them, making my way into the kitchen to eat.

While I was pouring my bowl of cereal, I heard light footsteps approaching me before Natsu leaned against the counter, his arms crossed and his eyes on me.

"Chief Heartfilia said I could drive you again." He said.

"Jude." I corrected, and he smirked sweetly at me.

"I still gotta be respectable, Luce." He explained softly, "You didn't hear how worried he was about you last night. I should've talked to him."

"It's okay, Nat." I chuckled, "We've only just started 'dating.' I doubt he's upset."

His mouth formed a straight line, a brightness in his eyes, "Why didn't tell him about me?"

I snickered as I spooned some Cheerios into my mouth, "What would I tell him?" I asked, "'Dad, I may or may not have gotten feelings for a Demon, what do you think?'"

He covered his mouth to laugh.

"I don't talk to Jude about boys." I explained, "Plus, he's so in love with you guys, I doubt I can say much else." He hummed. He stood there as I ate, watching me patiently before I placed my bowl into the dishwasher.

I opened my arms out to him, a small smile on my face, and he grinned before hesitantly resting his hot face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his blazing strong arms around my waist. He had to lean down to embrace me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He let go of me faster than I thought, his body still and his eyes ablaze. I blinked at him in brief confusion as he breathed deeply. 

"Sorry," He whispered softly so only I would hear, "I haven't... hunted in a few days."

When he swallowed, my eyes widened, "Oh, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine." He said quickly, distinguishing my guilt, "Your soul is singing, y'know?"

I blushed, and he chuckled before grasping my wrist with his fiery hand and pulling me towards the door, "Uh... Bye, Dad." I called, and Jude poked his head into the kitchen.

"Bye, sweetheart. Have a good day." He said softly, a smile drawn under his thick mustache, "You, too, Natsu."

"Bye, sir." Natsu replied before we stepped out of the house.

The cold and humid air hit me as Natsu guided me to his car. At some point, Natsu's flaming fingers interlocked with mine. My heart began to race as he opened the door for me. For the first time, I caught a glimpse of his speeding figure before he was in the car with me. We sat there for a moment.

"You sure you want to go?" He asked suddenly, and I looked at him, "It's gonna be pretty heavy." I sighed. The worst was over for me. Now, I was just upset with the people at fault. 

I nodded, "I should be there with them."

And with that, Natsu started the engine.


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