Chapter Seven

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"Whoaaa, he actually spoke to you?" Jenny gasped in awe as she munched on her tuna salad. Cana sighed in annoyance, taking a sip from Bacchus's liquor flask. I cringed at how comfortable they were at drinking in our current environment.

"Yeah. And I was just as surprised as you." I chuckled, but Jenny squirmed in her chair, obviously uneasy at how open the pink-haired boy was with me, "It was almost scary how easy it was to talk to him. I mean, I've never been one-hundred-percent relaxed when meeting someone new, and I was flustered as hell... But it was different..."

"Yeah, Nat is just like that. He's never been one to be awkward around new people. Actually, he's a little too open with strangers from time to time. The only reason he isn't crazy popular is because of how intimidating he and his family are." Cana said, laying against Bacchus in his lap.

"Well, there must be something wrong with most of the people in this school, 'cuz he never talks to anyone except his squad and you, CeCe." Jenny sighed in sadness, "And I'm sure it has nothing to do with Lucy being a new student, because when I transferred here he didn't pay my ass any attention." She said, eyeing me in confusion.

"Ha! I remember that. Ol' skrubby, here, tried to ask Natsu out, and he just flat out said 'no.'" Bacchus laughed out loud.

"Shut up, you drunk prick!" Jenny retorted, "It took every bit of courage to just walk up to him. Mind you, we were in a crowded hallway. And he didn't just say 'no,' he told me 'no thanks.'" She corrected, and Bacchus laughed harder.

"No difference." Ren said suddenly, and Jenny looked at him, hurt. I turned to my popcorn shrimp to shake off the feeling of Ren's stare. Jenny followed his eyes, looking at me and looking at him. She tried to get his attention, and he would say a few things to her, but he wouldn't stop looking at me. I felt very uncomfortable, so I turned away to evaluate the rest of the lunchroom.

It didn't take long for my eyes to drift to their table. 

Yet again, they looked like actors from a scene of a movie among the rest of the student body. Erza and Levy sat in the middle of the group of five, rolling their eyes and talking among themselves as the boys laughed across the table at one another. 

Jellal had his arm around Erza, and it seemed he was arguing with Gajeel about something. The girls seemed extremely uninterested. Natsu sat listening to them, laughing and speaking ever so often, adding his input into the argument. Gajeel fist-bumped the pinkette, and Jellal waved them off. 

My attention returned to the girls. Erza looked as gorgeous as she had the first time I'd seen her. Like she had just walked out of a photoshoot for Vogue. Levy looked as vibrant as this morning, watching a video with Erza on her phone. They grinned and chuckled to themselves, Erza mouthing a few comments that made Levy cover her mouth to laugh. 

I couldn't help but stare. They seemed so real, and yet so not considering the setting they were in: an average school, in an average cafeteria, with average people. Hell, I'm sure if they were set in the most elite private school in Fiore it still wouldn't do them justice. 

Suddenly, Levy looked up, her eyes meeting mine. She smiled sweetly, waving high at me. Erza looked up, eyeing me before looking back at her phone, uninterested. I blushed and waved back to my new bluenette friend. Gajeel noticed her greeting me too, and he grinned at her enthusiasm, exposing his sharp canines.

And, of course, that led to Natsu looking up at me. He smiled lightly as his eyes grazed over my body. I had to look away. I starred at my tray of food, still feeling his dark, mint green eyes trailing over me.

"Sweet Jesus, he's starring at you." Jenny whispered in my ear, and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Don't. Look. At. Him." I whispered, each word coming out more and more demanding. However, she already began to gawk at him, and my face couldn't have gotten brighter, "Jenny. Stop looking at him like he's got an apple for a head! Is he still looking at me?" I sneered lowly, and she looked away.

"Honey, it's like you're wearing smoked sausages and he hasn't eaten in decades. He wants you!" She whispered back, and I rolled my eyes.

"Someone trying to steal our girl?" Cana snickered.

"My girl." A boy suddenly appeared, kissing my cheek before snatching Ren's chair from under him. The boy dashed away before Ren could even register what had happened, and when he did, he ran after him outside. The whole cafeteria acted as if nothing had happened, but I looked at Cana like someone had died.

The girls burst out laughing at my reaction, "Oh my God..." Jenny and Bacchus cackled, and I continued to stare blankly away.

"I swear... It's first grade all over again... You're the shiny new toy..." Cana shook with laughter, and I sighed in annoyance.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked, and the trio finally simmered down.

"That was Jet. He and Ren have been going at it since diaper years. He's harmless, but after Ren exposed his huge crush on Levy, Jet hasn't let Ren have one easy day." Cana said.

"Well, he's brave enough to get slapped, I'll give him that." I murmured, looking back at Natsu's table to see Erza and Jellal getting up and bidding the other three goodbye. The bell hadn't rung for third period, so I was confused as to why they decided to leave so early. 

I shook it off, allowing it to slightly linger in my mind as I continued to chat with my new acquaintances. A few minutes later, Levy got up from the table, bear-hugging and kissing Gajeel goodbye. She ruffled Natsu's hair before exiting the cafe as well.

Again, lunch didn't end for another thirty minutes, so I nudged Cana, "Where do they go so early in the lunch period?"

"Oh, Erza and Jellal head out into town, that's what Levy told me. They aren't really into this whole institution. And Levy, well she goes and sits in the library until lunch is over. Gajeel usually follows after her. He stays behind with Natsu for a little while since he's the only one with a free period."

"Well, where does he go?" I pressed, oddly curious about the pinkette.

Cana smirked, "Interested?"

I blushed, "Maybe..."

"I wouldn't waste my time, Heartfilia. He's a great guy, but he doesn't date."

I looked confused, "What? Why?"

She chuckled at my hurt expression, "Apparently, no one's caught his eyes around here."

I scoffed. I wouldn't blame him. To live here for so long with the same people, in the same K-12 school, I would get bored too. "Well, I'm still curious. Where does he go?"

"I've seen him in the gymnasium from time to time." The brunette said, munching on her carrots.

"Ugh." I forgot he was an all-star jock, "So, he just goes out there and plays football or whatever."

"Actually, every time I've seen him out there, he'd just be sitting in the bleachers." She shrugged. My eyebrows furrowed.

He just sat in the bleachers. He spent an entire hour just sitting there?

I turned to look back at him, seeing him with headphones in and swiping away at his phone. Gajeel got up and left early, leaving Natsu on his phone for the last five minutes.

As the bell rung, I got up, bid Cana and Bacchus goodbye, and walked out of the cafe with Jenny.

"I wish I had a free period. I would've taken you into town to sightsee. They built this new mall that I've been meaning to checkout." Jenny babbled, watching Ren walk toward us in glee.

"Well, we could check it out sometime around." I compromised, and she nodded as Ren approached us.

"Ladies." He greeted, "We better get going, Jen, the late bell's 'bout to ring." He said nonchalantly.

"Kay." She cheesed, "See you around, Lucy."

I waved, "Later." I said as they walked upstairs.

Through the cafeteria's other entry way, Natsu walked out, his headphones still in as he glided through the school's exit doors.

I huffed, suddenly becoming indecisive.

However, my brain shed some light over me, and my legs led me upstairs to the library.

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