Chapter Nineteen

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Natsu and I walked out of the diner in silence. 

We walked closely beside one another, but he was careful not to touch me. It was unnecessary, if you asked me. I was in no way turned off by his immense heat; I strangely invited it. 

He opened the passenger door to his Camaro for me, and shut it softly after I got in. I watched as he walked around the car to his side, and I could feel my heart speed up at his stride. The way he stood. The way he paced. Not to mention how he arms flexed underneath his shirt. Natsu had a way of giving me emotions I knew I'd never get used to. He was simply a person no one could ever get used to. 

As he sunk into the car, I was suddenly very happy he couldn't tell what I was thinking.

He pulled out of the parking lot and into the night's traffic. A moment after, we were on the road out of town.

"Okay," He started suddenly, breaking the silence, "It's your turn to talk."

I looked at him in question as he smiled adorably at me, "Can I just have one more?"

He squinted at me, skeptical. I smiled widely at him, and he sighed, "One." He emphasized.

I beamed, "How does it work?"

His eyebrows furrowed at me. He had been paying complete attention to me, and was only vaguely aware of the road ahead of us. Still, the car breezed ahead perfectly, "How does what work?"

"The... mind reading thing... How do you do it?" I pressed, and he sighed, finally looking at the road. A second later, his eyes were back on me.

"Hard to explain, Luce. I guess you could say, one of my... gifts impacts another... It enhances it to where not only can I hear very well, but I can also hear thoughts." He struggled to zigzag past the important stuff. Luckily for him, he succeeded, because I was both confused and more curious.

"Does your family know you can do it? Can they do it? Like can you hear multiple people at once? How many-"

"Luce, that is definitely more than one question." He laughed, and I zipped my mouth shut so he would continue, "Yes, they know. No, it's only me that can do it. I can hear multiple people, but not if someone is too far away. If I can recognize their... voice, than I can hear them farther away, but only by a few miles."

I let his words sink into my memory as he continued.

"Most of the time I tune people out, though. It can get pretty damn distracting and it makes me feel... normal." He frowned at the word, "It's very unusual when someone thinks a question and you answer it back, right?"

"Right." I said, staring out of the windshield in wonder, "Why do you think you can't hear me?"

"I don't know. Maybe your brains are more scrambled than others'." He chuckled, and I nudged him playfully, "No worries, Luce, it's just a theory. Which, fortunately, brings us back to you, Miss Heartfilia." 

I sighed, How do I even begin?! Suddenly, we were in Jude's driveway, and hope shone like a diamond in the ruff. I grinned, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I heard the locks sound, "Where exactly do you think you're going?" Natsu asked seriously and I blushed profusely at his expression. Dominant.

"Y-You said you'd take me home." I stammered, and he rolled his eyes.

"So, you get to ask me a million questions, but you can't tell me just one of your theories?" He exasperated.

"It's not that I won't." I reasoned, and he locked eyes with me, "It's just... I can't... I mean, I don't have any evidence to back up my theory yet." I explained, and he shook his head in disbelief.

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