Chapter Two

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I drove back to Jude's house with Loke. I was still going on about the new fads and events that had occurred back home over the years. Though we'd been immersed in conversation the entire time, I couldn't help but think about the way Loke reacted to the idea of going to my designated high school, Fairy Tail Academy. Why would he think he wouldn't fit in?

"So, enough about me," I said, "What's gone on in the life of the all mighty Lion?" I asked, chuckling at the title I gave him when we were little. He laughed.

"Uh... Nothin' much really. A few years back I lost my V-Card." He bluntly stated. I gasped, considering pulling the car over instead of continuing our route.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed.

"Would I lie to you, Lucy?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Loke! Are you kidding me? You're the same age as me, and you don't even know what college you wanna apply to, let alone what you wanna major in. How long ago was this?" I ranted, and he rolled his eyes.

"Two years." He said nonchalantly.

"You were fourteen?" I exclaimed, and he just shook his head.

"Yes, Lucy, why is that such a bad thing?" He asked, confusion written on his face. I looked at him in disbelief. I hadn't even entertained thoughts about such affairs, not ever. Loke was, annoyingly, always two steps ahead of me in terms of growing up. It was beginning to get overwhelming, but would always be undeniably interesting. I didn't want to know who the other girl was, but I was intrigued enough for details.

"Well, spill, what was it like?" I changed the topic, and he smirked, probably used to my curious nature.

"It wasn't exactly how romance movies put it nowadays. It was kinda uncomfortable at first, but within a second it started feeling really good. It was awkward, of course, especially when it was over." He said, and I turned on the next street, listening intently.

"How so?" I pushed.

"I mean, what do you do in that situation? There's really no higher level of intimacy, that's it. And it was my first time, all I could do was lay in the heat of the moment. And the girl had done it before, so I was basically a newborn guppy back then."

"So... You've done it more after that?" I asked, squinting my eyes at the road, waiting for the answer.

"Sure, sure." He said, which was something I missed hearing him say. It was never sarcastic, actually the exact opposite and only he could say it right, "And it keeps getting better and better. 'Specially if the other party is as... advanced as me-"

"OK!" I cut him off. Sure, I wanted to know what his first time was like, but that point was pretty close to home.

"Hey, you asked." He shrugged as I finally pulled into Jude's driveway.

"Whatever. What else has happened?" I continued, turning the car off and unbuckling my seat belt.

"Nothing really, like I said. Other than that, things have been pretty regular. Word got around to my dad about it, and he decided that since I'd become a man, I might as well act like one. So, he hired me as his partner over the cars. Once high school started I realized I really liked working on them, and I also realized how hard school really is. You should get that too." He explained and I nodded.

"Most definitely." I agreed, and we got out of the car, "Well, has anyone moved into town since I've been away?"

Suddenly, his physique changed from laid-back to tense. My curiosity level couldn't have gotten higher, "Uhm... Y-Yeah. There were a few families that moved into town over the years."

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