Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I awoke the next morning to find Levy and Jellal hovering over another drawing of hers in the living room.

I came to sit next to Levy, eyeing the sketch as well before looking up at her, and then to Jellal when I saw her eyes looking off into the distance, "What did she read?" I asked him.

"He's in another room with a VCR." He explained, "It was a lot clearer than the mirror room message, but still slightly foggy."

I blinked, "What does that mean?"

"It means he's definitely in this room," He said, pointing to Levy's sketch, "But another decision has to be made before his next move becomes apparent."

I looked at Levy's sketch again and froze.

Dark wooden floors. A circular coffee table atop a thick white rug. A sofa with a recliner. A large theatre-like television settled by the wall. A kitchen entrance seen behind this setting.

Jellal's eyes snapped to mine as he noticed the shift in my mood, the dryness in my throat and the pounding of my heart.

"A phone goes here." I whispered, pointing to the right end of the circular coffee table. The two of them stiffened, and furrowed their eyebrows at my knowledge, "That's my mother's living room." I said, my voice emotionless, robotic.

Levy's blind gaze broke then, and she zipped across the room to grab her mini phone from the bar of the kitchen. She dialed a number quickly. Jellal slid over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and practically forcing a wave of calmness into my head. It was like physical contact made his power stronger.

Levy's words were fast and indecipherable. My mind was too crowded to try and focus on them. Her focus switched to my face. 

"Lucy, Natsu is coming to get you." She said, and she had my undivided attention, "He, Laxus, and Mira are gonna take you somewhere to hide for a while."

"Natsu's coming?" I breathed, the statement dragging out fragments of the panic running rapid in my subconscious.

"Yeah, he's taking the first flight out of Oak Town. We'll meet them at the airport, and then you'll leave with him."

"But my mother, Levy!" I exclaimed, refusing to neglect the information we had been given, "He's going after my mother! Don't you see what he's doing? If he can't get to me, he'll chip away at the people I love!" I cried, going into hysterics.

"Lucy, Gajeel and I will stay here to protect your mother while Jellal goes home to help Erza with your father—"

"You can't guard everyone I know forever, Levy." I retorted, "What if he hurts you?! Do you think that's okay with me?"

"We'll get him, Lucy." Jellal's voice was calm as he tried to focus enough to make me weary.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of his power. 

"No! I don't want to go to sleep!" I snapped, getting up and rushing to my room. Levy didn't follow me this time. I stared at one of the four pastel green walls for three hours straight. I felt like I was going crazy with worry. I wouldn't have been surprised if I somehow came out of this with a few grey hairs.

My only solace was knowing that Natsu was on his way to me. Still, the image of my mother being drained of her soul made me nauseous, erratic.

I heard the phone ring, and I got up. I felt slightly ashamed of my behavior, and I hoped I hadn't offended either of my protectors.

However, when I came out of the bedroom, Levy was talking rapidly into her phone, and Jellal was no where to be found. Her eyes met mine.

"They're just boarding their flight." She said, hanging up the phone. Any emotion towards my actions earlier was vacant, "They should land later tonight."

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