Chapter Ten

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"More trouble in Hargeon! Ten more disappearances have led back to the early investigations covering troubled, drowned, and frozen victims within the city. Detectives governing the case have noted that the recurring deaths are spreading further out of the city, quick-stopping within the inhabitants of Akane Beach, and slowly moving towards the city North of Hargeon, Magnolia--"

I stabbed the audio power button off, my heart beginning to pound slightly in my chest. 

They were coming here. The relentless murderer who froze, drowned, and shocked the lives of hundreds in the small span of three weeks. 

I knew that Jude would be on high alert at the station, and I could be on practical house arrest until everything was taken care of. I rolled my eyes. Of fucking course.

I suddenly heard a buzz radiating from my cup-holder. As I slowed to a break at a red light, I snatched my phone up to see a text from Cana.

CeCe: Luce, where th r u?! Jen is freakin out...

I furrowed my eyebrows, typing back.

Me: Im in route rn, gimme like 2 seconds wats wrong with Jenny??

I looked up to check the light to see it still blaring red. I got another buzz.

CeCe: Shes just flippin cuz of the news, plz hurry up shes getting annoying

I turned up my mouth.

Me: When ISNT she getting worked up...

I stashed my cell back in my cup-holder, looking up to see the light now green. The car behind me honked, and I sighed before pulling off. 

I drove into my usual parking spot, sitting in my little Bug for a moment to take an unexpected call. Jenny could hold on for one more second. 

"Lucy Heartfilia." I answered, waiting for the other line.

"Hello, Miss Heartfilia, I'm calling to ask whether your refrigerator is running." I heard, the other person straining to keep from chuckling.

"Loke, what the hell do you want?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Easy, miss. I wanna know if your fridge is running." He pushed, and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I gasped, "Why, yes, it is." I said in a damsel-like country accent.  

"Well, then you should get that checked, you don't want those utters to spoil." He said blankly.

"The what?!" I shook with laughter.

"The utters." He replied evilly, a devious smirk playing in his voice. 

I laughed, "What the fuck? What are you doing?"

I could practically hear his grin, "I wanted to know if you'd like to come hang at the old railroad by my house. You can bring some friends, too." 

I rose my eyebrows, "Seriously? I haven't been over there in forever. Why didn't you ask sooner?" 

"So, you in?" He beamed.

"Definitely. When?" 

"How 'bout Friday? Then, you have an extra day to collect some peeps." He suggested, and I nodded.

"Sounds cool. I'll see you later then, I gotta get in school."

"Alright, see ya, Luce."

"Byyye." I hung up and climbed out of the car with my bag. I walked through the damp air, making it to the entrance and walking towards the cafeteria where I knew everyone was. Students always hung out in there until the bell rang for first period. Levy and her gang of three sat in there as well. Natsu used to be with them, but he totally disappeared after that week-long basketball trip.

Levy never talked about him, and I never saw him again in town with the four siblings. 

My mind had practically pushed him away within my third week here. Now, in week five, it was as if he never existed. The only evidence was the school's basketball team plummeting without him. I went to one game with my little group of friends and completely saw the difference without having to see how well they played before. And yet, no one ever wondered where he'd gone or complained for his return. For once, I decided to be like everyone else.

I walked into the café, my eyes immediately going to the table of which my closest friends--Jenny, Cana, Ren, Bacchus, Jet, and Jet's bestfriend, Droy--always sat. Jenny was in deep conversation with Jet before she caught me out of the corner of her eyes. She visibly let out a sigh of relief.

"You practically worried me to death, Lu-Lu." She exclaimed, standing up to hug me. Cana hugged me as well, and everyone greeted me good morning.

"Jen, I'm pretty sure I can survive a car ride to this mental institution, just like I've been doing for the past couple of weeks. Chill out-"

"No. I refuse to chill out when there is a serial killer on the loose heading towards our town. Magnolia is already too small, and you're the chief's daughter. What if they start beefing over the police department and snag you? I mean, you aren't a very intimidating girl, Lucy, I would not be able to live with myself if something happened to you and I didn't take precautions to help-"

"Mom! I will be okay. Now, I said it once and I'll say it again," I picked up a shaving of Droy's breakfast hash-brown and flicked it at her, "Chill. Out." I said calmly, turning towards Cana, who looked like she was about done with blue-eyed blonde, "I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner."

Cana looked at me, "You're not the only one sorry about it." She mumbled, rolling her eyes and taking sip from her flask. Honestly, this girl was drinking straight gin at 7:50 in the morning. She noticed my staring and sighed, "Lucy, it's five o'clock in the afternoon somewhere." 

"But not here. Anyway, I have some good news." I beamed, "Is anyone doing anything Friday night?"

Everyone mumbled No's except Droy. The heavy-set brunette raised his hand and stated, "I gotta work late, my dad's making me."

"Aw, Droy, you're gonna miss the fun." I said, with my lip poked out.

"What fun?" Ren asked nonchalantly.

"My old friend, Loke, invited us over to his place near the old railroads." I explained.

"Oh wow, that's a perfect place to get murdered." Jenny scoffed, and I rolled my eyes.

"No one is getting murdered, Jen-Jen. Loke is practically family, and I've been on the railroads plenty of times when I was a kid." I said, but she was still unconvinced.

"What do you guys do down there?" Bacchus leaned in, his interest peaked. 

"Usually we have this huge bonfire, and blast some fireworks and rockets. It was loads of fun back in the day, and Loke grills some killer camp food." I said, and everyone but Jenny seemed intrigued.

"It'd be nice to just chill out Friday night. Imagine how much more fun it'll be getting wasted." Cana laughed, and Bacchus agreed gleefully.

"Oh, I'm definitely going in that case." Jet proposed, and Ren nodded along.

"Sounds like fun." The tan boy smirked, fist-bumping Jet.

"Renny..." Jenny whined, pulling on Ren's shirt. She knew she'd want to go if Ren went.

"No one's forcing the hangout on you, Jen." Ren rolled his eyes and pulled his arm out of her grasp. Jenny looked at me in betrayal.

I shrugged, "You don't have to go, Jen. You can stay home and practice your murder precautions." I chuckled, looking at Cana who did the same.

"What and miss out on all the fun, Heartfilia?" Jenny said, smirking as I got up and bear-hugged her behind her chair.

"Yaaay." I sang, releasing her and walking back to my seat. My glance fell on the rest of the room, and I froze in my spot as I looked at the Dreyer table.

There were five of them.

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