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"Delano... can you take the twins to their gym class today?" I asked. Only because the last time we went... let's just say we were almost banned. These two are something else. He raised his brow "oh no! Remember the last time I took them out... river decided to lose himself and Ryder wanted to play hide and seek. Never again!".

Rolling my eyes "oh come on!".

He sighed thats when Ryder came up to him "daddy? River is stuck".

"What do you mean stuck?" He asked.

"Let me show you... come on" she walked ahead of him and pointed to their room. Pushing the door open we saw river hanging by his pants on the bed pole. He looked at us and smiled. I nodded "yeah you'll be taking them today". Delano sighed again "I'm not even going to ask how you got up there".

Ryan and Kai ran up to us "we have something very important to tell you".

"Oh no! summers pregnant? Dammit Kai!" I whined.

"Huh? No! Mom listen... Ryan and I know who raped Salem. And we have proof" Kai said. I was all ears now "who?".

"Summers dad" Ryan said. My mouth dropped open in shock. My legs started to feel weak. Falling into the sofa. "What proof do you have?" I asked. The boys looked at each other "he recorded it as he did many other girls he raped".

"How did you get the tapes?" I asked.

Kai scratched the back of his neck "well summer told me how she saw one of her dad with some young girl. So ryan and I broke into his home made copies".

"Correction the balcony door was open" Ryan said.

"True so we didn't break in" Kai smiled.

"Wait? Okay this is too much for me! So summers dad is the one who raped Salem. And he raped many other girls too?" I said. They both nodded. I didn't want to see any images of that. Delano came from helping river down. "What I miss?" He asked. Explaining to him what had happened his face got beat red "say what?! Let's go get him".

"No! That won't end well. We have to be very slick and precise about how we move. Ryan is already being watched for Kennedy's murder. We don't want to make ourselves suspicious" I said.

Delano started pacing back and forth "that sick fuck".

"He's more than sick! He's a monster who needs to be stopped!" Kai said.

"Don't let Salem know about the tapes. Not even summer" I said.

"Well summer saw it already. But she has no idea I have em" Kai said.

Shaking my head cause at the moment I wanted to kill this man. How dare he be a cop to help and protect the public but he's out here raping these young girls. "Oh and the icing on the cake... he was stalking both Harlow and Bianca".

Delano wide eyed them "that's it! I think I have a way to get this guy. We might have to use Harlow as bait".

"Uh no! Are you crazy?" I said.

"Think about it! Harlow is a master in karate and she's very smart. She'll be perfect to lure him to us and we handle the rest" Delano said.

Ryan thought about it "dad may be onto something"

"No we are not using Harlow! What if something happens and this backfires?! No!" I said.

"Gia listen to me... Harlow is someone not to mess with. She can handle herself. Trust me when I say she'll be fine. We need her to lure him to us and then that's it. Trust me" he said.

Ryan and Kai nodded "he's right".

I can't use my ten year old for this. Anything could happen. Then I'll feel guilty for agreeing to this plan. But at the same time I want to catch this sick asshole so no other girl gets hurt. My mind was conflicted.

"Let me think about it. And if I agree we let Harlow know what's going on. We can't leave her in the dark about this" I said. All three of them nodded "Harlow will know what we have planned. And knowing how she is she will be down for it".

"Delano if anything happens to her otherwise it's your ass! I promise you that. This is a child here" I said. He nodded "I wouldn't let anyone hurt Harlow".

"Mom come on did you forget who we are" Ryan said.

"I didn't forget but also look who we are messing with. A cop who has a lot of power here" I said.

Kai smiled "don't worry I have something for him to shake him up a little".

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