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I was very proud of myself

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I was very proud of myself. Polishing my trophy just because it's mine. I worked so hard for this. Scrubbing it so I can see it shine. My dad finally cane gone with Salem. I'm very disappointed to say the least that he forgot. But I guess I can't really be too mad. Salem's situation is way more important. Then again, I feel like she will always be more important than me. Shaking the thoughts off.

My door slowly opened summer came inside "hey! Congrats Bruce Lee!". I smiled "thanks. You should've seen the way I took out this boy I fought. Laid him down!".

"Trust me! I believe you!" She said.

Nothing else was said I was too busy polishing my trophy "are you okay? You seem down".

I sighed "I'm fine".

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"If I spill my guts to you, you can't say nothing!" I warned. She motioned zipping her mouth closed. "I guess I want to understand... why my dad isn't wanting to be close to me. Unless my mom forced him to. But Salem they are closer and you see how happy he is to be around her. Makes me think he doesn't like me. It's whatever! It won't change".

Summer stared at me "I don't think your dad doesn't like you. It's maybe because there's so many of you. One is bound to get left out. Have you tried talking to him?".

"Look this isn't the first time he's heard about this. He tries for a day and then goes back to normal!" I said. She got up and hugged me "don't feel bad. My mom skipped out on me and my dad. Never understood why. He just lies and says she died".

"Wow! I'm sorry" I said.

She shrugged "it happened already... and now I see why she left". 

"Anyway like I said! No one knows about this conversation! Or else" I warned.

"You're feelings are safe with me" she smiled. It felt good to talk to someone who didn't really know me. At least they don't tell you what they think you want to hear.



Salem was home! She was doing a lot better than when we saw her at the hospital. But she's still somewhat out of it. Doctors recommend she takes it slow. It breaks my heart she's dealing with all of this!.

"Hey dad" Ryan said. He walked past me to the kitchen to get something in the fridge "what's up?".

"Nothing just took Harlow yesterday to her tournament and she won. She's very good at karate" he said. Mentally cursing at myself. I forgot about taking Harlow as I promised.

"Shit! She's going to hate me now" I said.

"Dad Harlow isn't as bad as you think. She gets over things really fast. Plus, she knew why you weren't around. She didn't seem as upset" he said.

"Yeah I don't know. Maybe I should to talk to her and explain why I didn't show" I said. Ryan shrugged "if you want go ahead".

Walking to Harlow's room I knocked before entering. She was sitting at her desk just examining her trophy. Clearing my throat "hey". She glanced at me and gave me a forced smile "hey". Walking in some more I sat on her bed "big win! Congrats".

"Thanks" she said.

"Harlow look I want to explain what happened... with all that happened with Salem I must've forgotten about the tournament. I'm sorry" I said.

She nodded "it's okay".

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah... Salem's situation was more important" she said.

I was taken back a little she wasn't upset or mad at me. "Yeah it was. Thanks for understanding".

She didn't look at me but nodded. As I got up to walk out I saw her head go down "I wish i was there to see you win that trophy".



I didn't want to question Salem since she just got home. Instead I let her go in her room and sleep. Not wanting to upset her anymore than what she had to deal with. Making sure to check up on her every now and then. Then my other focus went onto Harlow. I know she's hurting from Delano not being able to take her to her tournament but she's masking it. That's the thing with Harlow. You can never know when she's hurting unless she tells you. She knows to mask it very well.

Delano came into our bedroom "well I spoke to Harlow and she seemed cool and not upset. I explained why I missed her tournament due to Salem".

"Harlow is not upset but she's hurt. That's one side you won't see unless she tells you" I said.

"I mean what would you like me to do? Leave Salem who suffered a panic attack cause she saw her rapist to take Harlow to her karate tournament? I can't do that. Salem needed me so I had to be there for her. I mean there will be plenty of karate tournaments I can attend" he said.

I couldn't say anything. Anything I choose to say wouldn't matter.


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