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(Cause why not...)

I was still in lala land

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I was still in lala land. Kai actually picked me to be his girlfriend.  Kai and I have been friends since sixth grade. I remember when I first noticed I had a crush on him. We were in eighth grade... I'm not sure if he glowed up over the summer but he caught my eye.

But knowing the females who were constantly surrounding him I was more than sure he wasn't into me. So I kept my liking a secret. As time went on we grew up. And got closer. I guess you can tell we had hidden feelings by the way we would act. Kai doesn't allow anyone but his mom to touch his hair. But one day he told me I could touch it. His curls are silky soft.

Walking into my house with a huge smile from ear to ear. "Summer is that you?" My dad asked from the kitchen. "Yeah it's me!" I yelled. He came out "it's way after school. Where were you?".

"At Kai's House" I said.

"Kai? Is that the white boy who was in here?" He asked.

I nodded "yup that's him".

"Summer what have I taught you about white people?" He asked.

"Dad, Kai is biracial... he just took more so after his dad. But his mother is black. So he doesn't count to anything you told me. Kai is a very sweet, caring, funny individual. And just because you had your bad experiences doesn't mean I have to live it to. Kai is someone special to me. I won't let you try and take that away from me" I said.

He stood there stunned "as long as you live under my roof my rules are to be followed! I don't want that boy in my home!".

"Not a problem" i said. I'll just keep going to his house instead. Walking to my room to relax and text
Kai. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.



Spotting jasmine at the park. I pulled up and jumped out. She must've spotted me cause she stood up. "Where have you been?".

"Here, why?" She asked.

"I'm going to ask you again... and do not lie to me" I warned. "Where have you been?".

"What is this about?" She asked.

"Is it true you are cheating on me?" I asked. She looked away from me. "Well?".

"Look Ryan... you got some issues. I can't be with someone like you. You're crazy! I can't so anything without you being down my neck" she said.

"Wow so instead of just telling me this you rather cheat?" I asked.

"That wasn't the plan. I met him after the idea to break up with you" she said. First Kennedy and now Jasmine. I can't win. "What does he have that I don't?".

"He lets me be! You don't do that" she said.

"Unbelievable" I said.

"I would say sorry... but I'm not" she said.

"Truth is... I got with you so I could get over my ex. Nothing personal" I said.

"Maybe you should get back with her. She must as crazy as you to be with someone like you" she said.

"Do not speak anything negative about Kennedy. You don't know her" I said.

"Whatever! Have a nice life" Jasmine walked away from me. I stood there upset... but not hurt. But more upset that I wasted my time with jasmine. I needed Kennedy... I missed her. She's the only one who actually got me.



In the kitchen cooking dinner. Harlow was helping as well. Cooking was one of her growing hobbies. "Mom have you seen Salem?".

"She's in her room, why?" I asked.

"Cause I haven't seen her. So just making sure she's in her room" Harlow said.

"Salem?!" I yelled. Harlow just stood there waiting to prove me wrong. A good five minutes went by and no Salem. Drying my hands on the dish towel. I made my way to her room. Opening the door she was nowhere in sight. Not this again. "Delano?'.

He came walking out of his den "yeah?".

"Where is Salem?" I asked.

"Oh umm I let her go outside for a bit" he said. You can't be serious! God why are you testing me today?!.

"What?! She is on punishment! Why would you allow her to leave the house?!" I asked.

He shrugged "she looked sorry".

"That's the best excuse you could come up with?! Lord I don't get it. Why discipline the kids if you are just going to under mind me anyway?! Just let the kids run wild! So Salem can end up in god knows what" I was furious. Delano couldn't say anything he just stood there. "I really can't believe you!".

He put his hands up "I didn't think it was any harm done".

"Right now I don't want to hear you talk. Nevermind is she in trouble when she gets back... but now you're in trouble as well. I don't get why you let her do anything she wants?!. Let it be Harlow you would've told her no!". Harlow must've been eavesdropping cause she chimed in "preach it momma!".

"Harlow not now" I warned.

"Yup don't have to tell me twice" she said.

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