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The next day I let summer sleep in

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The next day I let summer sleep in. I had other plans today. Not wanting to involve summer by any means. But I needed that box. "Ryan you busy?" I asked.

"He's about to be!" My mom came into his room pissed off. "Didn't I specifically tell you to stay away from Kennedy?!".

"Mom it was like she wouldn't leave him alone" I said.

"You two always work together so one doesn't get into trouble" she said.

Ryan sighed "mom he's telling the truth. She wouldn't leave me alone. I even met this new girl and she was trying to beat her up".

"Say what? You met someone?" She asked.

"Yup and she's beautiful and funny" he said.

"Aww... but still now the cops been here looking for you cause people are saying you were the last one with her" she said.

"I know... but I'm innocent!" He said.

"Mom...no offense but Ryan needs to help me with something and with you being here it's distracting" I smiled. She looked at us both "don't get into trouble". We nodded "we won't". She walked out the room closing the door "anyway look Summer told me that her dad has these burners that show him having sex with underage girls".

Ryan stood up "you're joking?".

"Nah I'm serious! We need to get that box" I said.

Ryan rubbed his chin "I guess so". I smiled knowing we were about to bring this idiot down. Told him to not mess with me.



Hanging out with my dad was cool. There was so much he didn't know about me. In school today Bianca came in late which was odd. She's always on time. At our lockers she didn't talk. "What's wrong?".

She started sniffling "someone tried to take me yesterday. It was so scary".

"Oh my gosh! What did you do?" I asked.

"He pretended to be lost. He wanted directions to some place. I wasn't too sure to even go up to the car but then he flashed a badge saying he was a cop and it was okay".

I gasped "a cop? Or was it a lie?".

"I don't know. When I got up to the car he quickly opened the door and tried to grab me. But I bit his hand real hard causing him to let me go. I've never ran so fast in my life. Told my mom and we went to report it".

Hugging her "I'm sorry that happened to you. How about we walk together home so that way if anyone tries to take you... I'll Bruce Lee their head". She laughed "Harlow you are the best!".

Later on that day, the principal called to see me. Hesitant cause the last time I was in there I was in trouble. Walking into his office my mom was there.

"I didn't do it" I said. The principal smiled "take a seat".

"What did I do?" I asked.

"He has some great news for you" my mom said.

"Harlow I've called your mother in because looking at test scores and speaking to your teachers. They all came to the conclusion you are a gifted child. So now I want to move you into the higher classes" he said.

"Hmm... that's cute and all but I already knew how smart I am. But I'm content in the classes I'm in now" I said.

"You don't want to challenge your brain and be with other kids like yourself?" My mom asked.

"Nope! Bianca needs me. So I'll stay in where I am. But thanks for the offer" I smiled. The principle looked at my mom and shrugged "we offered".

"Thanks for everything" my mom smiled. We got up and walked out "are you sure you don't want to at least try out the other classes?".

"No, plus those kids are snobby! You know what I would do to one if they got slick... no just leave me where I am. Like you say if it's not broke why fix it". My mom laughed "I can't with you!". She wanted to take me home but I rather stay in school.



I got back from Harlow's school. When I walked in both twins were on top of one another trying to get to the cookies. "Hey!" I yelled. River dropped his sister and ran off. She smiled at me and slowly exited herself out the kitchen.

"Delano?!" I yelled.

"What's up?" He walked out of our room.

"You do know we have very curious kids who like to work together. You got to keep a eye on them at all times!" I said. He nodded "I went in the room for no longer than five minutes getting a paper I needed".

"Well while you were in there. These two were trying to get the cookies" I said.

"How was Harlow's meeting?" He asked.

"Well as we all knew she's very smart. Like gifted smart. They wanted to move her to higher classes but she refused" I said.

He smiled "she may be very smart but she's humble. Let her be".

"She said Bianca needed her" I said.

"Bianca and Harlow been friends since preschool...
I can imagine the bond they have" he said.

"Yeah... you're right" I smiled.

Secret Mistake - 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें