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It was getting late. My friend dropped me off at my home. All the lights were off so I was good. Pushing the backyard gate open. Walking to my room window that I left open. Quietly climbing back in
I was startled by a light and my two parents. I should've been scared but I laughed. This must be the affect of that blunt.

My mom and dad just watched me confused "what's so funny!".

Fixing my face quick "nothing!".

"Where were you?! Are you crazy to be sneaking out?!" My mom yelled.

"Relax it's not that serious! I'm alive right?!" I said.

My mom threw her hands up "talk to your daughter!". My father looked like he was stuck in the middle "look you can't be sneaking out the house. Anything could've happened to you! And those whole time we thought you was in here".

"You're just doing all of this cause of her" I said.

"Salem when mom is right, she's right. Since you snuck out your on punishment" he said.

"That's not fair!" I said.

"Next time think of that before you sneak out again" my mom said.

"You're the reason I do what I do! This is ALL your fault. For going back and forth with dad! For allowing crazy people around me! Including yourself! All that insane stuff trickled down to me! I didn't ask for any of it! At this point I don't see why dad didn't leave and take us with him!" I said.

"Salem that's enough" my dad said.

"No! She needs to know. What? Did you think all the kids would be normal after your impulsive behavior?! Come on now" I said.

My mom stood there. Nothing said.

"Salem you can't blame mom for what your struggling with" my dad said.

"Oh but I can! How else would this have happened if she just had us in stable household. And not bouncing from place to place!".

"Blaming me won't help you. At the end of the day I can take some blame for why you are the way you are. But also blame yourself, too. I told you to go see someone but you refused".

"Did talking to someone help you? No!" I said.

"At first it didn't. But that's because I stopped going and fell back to my old ways. Also I didn't open up about everything. But as you see now I gotten help... extensive help. I went away for a whole month so I could get the help I needed to be a better mom and wife to all of you. But I see that doesn't count right?".

She turned from me and walked out my room leaving dad there.

"Why are you so angry with mom?" He asked.

I didn't say anything.

"First thing tomorrow we are making an appointment for you to see someone. This has to stop!" He said. I didn't answer him. I was actually getting very sleepy. He sighed and walked out the room closing the door.



I sat on our bed just upset. Our daughter is blaming me for everything wrong with her. Delano walked in and sat next to me "you okay?".

"I'm fine just confused on why Salem hates me" I said.

"Beats me... this came out of nowhere" he said.

"Actually this started when I came back from that therapy retreat. It's like I left and came back to a different person" I said.

"Well tomorrow I will be setting up an appointment for her to speak to someone before this gets out of hand" he said.

I did what any mother would do. In order for me to get the actual help I needed I had to go away. It was a very tough choice. Not wanting to leave our children. But also, I wanted to be a strong minded person for them. They deserved that. Delano deserves so much more.

Told the kids what the plan was... they were happy I was going to do this. Salem never showed any type of disagreement. But when I came back her attitude towards me was different. It's like she wanted nothing to do with me. Thinking it was a phase and it'll pass but it never did.

I'm not sure what the real problem is. I just want the Salem I know back. This gurl who lives here. I don't know her.

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