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The twins should be sleeping. It was their bed time. The way I have their beds set up they sleep head vertically to each other. Don't ask. It works for them and myself. I went to see if I had the old videos of the kids when they were younger. That's one thing I did a lot of is take videos for keepsake reasons.

Finding one I popped in the laptop. It was a video of Salem when she was around three helping me bake. Harlow was I think one. This is when I had moved. Salem was a good helper knowing I had Harlow to take care of. Their relationship was so close as sisters. And now not so much. She wasn't the best baker either. That made me smile.

Hearing movement from the twins room I paused the video. Then I heard the bed make a loud noise. Getting up I walked to their room quietly. Twisting the knob I pushed opened the door to only see this...

 Twisting the knob I pushed opened the door to only see this

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(Yes, I changed characters. And if you live in NY you've seen this picture on the train lol)...

Looking at them closely. I swore I heard noise coming from this room. Strange. Closing the door I went back to watching the video.



Ryan and I were standing outside summers old home. Her dads car wasn't in the driveway. We looked around to see the easier way to get inside. Ryan took this gadget out of his pocket. "We can use this to pull us up to the balcony door. For some reason people always forget to lock it".

"What are you inspector gadget?" I joked.

"Nah, this is Harlow's. Have you been in her room? She's like spy central. But she left this in my car" he said.

"I guess. So you press this and it'll connect to something close and it'll pull us up?" I asked. Ryan nodded pressing the button and grabbing me. We flew up to the balcony quick. "Damn!" I said.

"Crazy, right?!" Ryan joked. Removing the device he put it in his pocket. Clicking the door he opened it turning to me "I'll never understand". Slowly walking inside. We made sure no one was home. "Summer said the burners were in this closet here in a shoebox". Ryan opened the closet "you sure it's in a shoebox?".

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Come look" he said. Walking to where he was I saw the tons of shoeboxes. "Shit" I said.

"I guess we better start looking" Ryan said. We went through most of the boxes... exception of one "this has to be it".

"It better be..." Ryan said. Lifting the lid it revealed the many, many burners. We both looked at each other not sure what to do. "If we take this he'll know. Let's make copies of it".

"How?" I asked.

"We'll have to take it home... copy them and bring it back before he gets home" he said.

We raced home to copy what was on the burners. It took us about two hours to do. But once we were done we took it back and put it right where he had it. When we got home we were hesitant to watch what was on these disc. But we had to know. Starting with disc one.

It went straight to him forcing himself on a young girl who was blind folded. The poor girl was screaming so loud. I felt the pain through her scream. Turning away cause this was too much. We made it to disc three.

When we saw who the girl was we turned to one another.

It was Kennedy.

She was pleading for him to not hurt her and how she wanted to go home. But he smiled and shook his head. That's when she started crying. She knew what was about to happen. The last thing she said before he attacked her was "I should've never given you directions".

Ryan shook his head. He was watching his ex get raped brutally. He stopped the disc and got up. Slamming his fist into the wall. "I know you're upset but we have to watch these".

He sat back down "I'm good".

Pressing play we continued to watch through many more. All of these girls were no older than fifteen. Kennedy was about fifteen when this happened. Exactly when she broke up with Ryan. The next disc we put in... when we saw salem we paused it.

"I can't watch this" I said.

"Me either" Ryan said.

"But we have to... to get justice for Kennedy and Salem and all those other girls" I said. Pressing play we saw how he tricked her. How he did all kinds of things to her. I won't go into detail. But Salem's rape was the worst out of all the ones we saw. Shutting off the laptop. "He has to die" I said.

Ryan nodded "I agree! He hurt my ex and hurt our sister". Looking to see one last disc... "let's see this last one". Pressing play it was a video of someone driving just watching two young girls walk. "I know that backpack" I said.

"Me too!" Ryan said.

The video was just this creep stalking two girls walking minding their business not realizing this creep was watching them.

"Oh my god that's Harlow and Bianca!" Ryan said. My mouth dropped wide open. Then the last thing you heard was "if I don't get one... I'll get the other one".

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