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All I wanted to do is protect our children

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All I wanted to do is protect our children. From all the negative, bad and crazy people out there that could by chance hurt them. But I failed with Salem and now Kai. What kind of mother was I?. Not being to shield their babies from harm. The situation got me doubting myself as a mom.

Kai was in the car just trying to get comfortable. Harlow was trying to help him. I was trying to take the roads with less bumps and potholes. Didn't want to cause Kai anymore pain. Once we got home Harlow and I helped Kai inside. He sat on the couch and groaned.

Salem came running out hugging him. "You do know he's still in pain" Harlow said.

"Oops" she jumped back.

"It's okay! Where's summer?" He asked. Turning to Salem cause it's obvious summer wasn't anywhere we could see her. "Oh she's in my room" she said.

Before Kai could ask to go see her she slowly came out with her head down. "Come here" he said. She slowly made her way to him. Sitting next to him. "I'm so sorry" she said.

"This isn't your fault. Why do you keep saying sorry?" He asked. Mostly anyone who's been mentally abused are usually the ones who always feel the need to say sorry. She shrugged "are you okay?".

He nodded "ill be back to normal in a couple of weeks".

She smiled "I was so worried!".

"I know you were. But I'm good. As long as you are okay and protected..." he said.

"Kai I don't know what I would do without you" she said.

"Same here!" He pulled her into a kiss. Just watching them reminded me of how Delano and I would've been if I didn't give him such a hard time.

"Summer has your dad called you?" I asked. She shook her head "not yet".

"Mom she can't go back to that house! I won't let her" Kai said.

I sighed "it's not that easy. Her dad is a cop he'll fight us".

"I don't care! Summer isn't going back. Even if I have to fight him myself I will" he said. Ryan came out and smiled "oh good you survived! Wouldn't know what to do without my bro".

"Nah I'm good just in a little pain" he said.

"So when do we take the cop out?" Ryan asked. Harlow facepalmed herself and I cleared my throat signaling him to shut up pointing at summer! "Oh my badd! I mean when do we to figure out what to do".

"Amateurs" Harlow said.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He went to work" Salem answered.

"Salem do you know dads whereabouts at all times?"
Harlow asked. Salem mean mugged her. "Not the time" I warned.

"Look I want to speak to summer alone. So Salem and Harlow help Kai into his room please" I said. Both girls helped Kai get up and slowly walked him to his room. "Well I'm going to see Kennedy" Ryan said. I nodded "be home for dinner please!".

Pushing my hair back in just relief. I sat next to summer and just sighed "long night". Summer nodded "again I'm sorry".

"Summer this really isn't your fault. Your dads actions isn't something you should be apologizing for" I said.

"Oh, umm...yeah I forgot" she said.

"You know I was once like that. Always saying sorry for everything. My mom abused me to every extent you could think of. She messed me up! With that I was always saying sorry. Even allowing other abusers in my life to continue the cycle of abuse" I said.

"Even your husband?!" She asked.

"No, Delano is the first person in my life who didn't abuse me. Instead he wanted to help me to get better for myself and for him. It was a very long curvy road but eventually we got there" I said.

"Oh" she said.

"Look I know you're probably wondering why am I sharing this information with you? Well... I see some of myself in you. By any chance does your dad abuse you? And when I say abuse I mean mentally, verbally or physically?" I asked.

She turned away from me and nodded "don't tell Kai, please?!. Don't want him looking at me differently".

"Summer he's the one who told me you might be getting abused" I said.

She gasped "he did?! Oh no! He's going to break up with me!!".

"Calm down! If anything Kai wants to help you. He really likes you summer. Which means he'll fight to the depth for you. Don't think because you are an victim that he'll leave. Kai is different" I said.

"Thanks to you for raising him right" she smiled.

"Now... with this new information. Is there any proof  you may have of what's been happening?" I asked.

She nodded "my diary! I always mark down the date of when something happens".

"Good, we'll need that. And second... your dad will make an appearance here soon enough looking for you. But I'll handle that myself. Like Kai said you can't go back there. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did". Summer smiled and hugged me "thank you so much!".

"Oh what happened to your step mom?" I asked.

"She left. Before she walked out she said sorry to me" she said. I nodded "okay".

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