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"Come on everyone come eat!" I yelled. Hearing footsteps charging to the dining room. Kai and summer was hand in hand walking to the table. Ryan looked annoyed taking his seat. Salem well... she looked very calm.

"Ryan Umm why is your car have egg stains?" Harlow asked.

"Don't even want to talk about it!" He said. Harlow leaned in "do tell!".

"Harlow leave me alone, I'm not in the mood" Ryan said.

"Ah, which means Kennedy has something to do with the stains on your car. I've always liked her" Harlow said.

"Whatever!" Ryan said.

Delano joined us at the table as I placed the bowl of food around the table. Harlow seemed like the only one who was herself. Kai well he was still recovering. Grabbing his plate and putting some food on it "here you go".

"Thanks mom" he smiled.

Everyone else went to fill up their plate. Salem filled up her plate which was overflowing with food. "Isn't that a little much?" I asked.

"Nope I'm on this new diet" she smiled.

"Diet?! You're not even fat" Harlow said.

Salem nodded "yeah I am".

"So what does this diet consist of?" I asked.

"Well I can eat whatever I want and just throw it up" she said. The table got quiet as she said that. Salem laughed "relax it's a joke!".

Harlow scrunched up her face "your jokes were always dry". Salem flipped her off "how about that?".

"How about I karate kick you into next year" Harlow threatened. Delano cleared his throat "come on girls enough! Eat!". Harlow squinted her eyes at Salem before eating. The twins were busy hitting each other well it was more like river was provoking his sister. Before I knew it... Ryder gave river a two hit combo and a bite causing him to scream.

"Ryder is a fighter! Just like her big sis" Harlow smiled.

"Don't egg her on" I said.

Salem sucked her teeth "Harlow no one cares that you're a bully! Next topic".

Harlow looked around. Checking under the table "who is she talking to? Miss all of a sudden I have a back bone to defend myself? Wow! Must feel nice for once to have a good comeback".

"It's just sickening you boast about how you're strong and you can take care of yourself. We get it! Trust me we do" Salem said.

"Enough! All you two do is argue! What happened to you guys getting along?!" I asked. Harlow placer her hand on her chest "I didn't start anything! It was her!".

Salem smiled "wow there goes Harlow telling on someone".

Harlow turned to me "mom cover your ears!. Coming from the pig sitting In front of me with a pile of food on her plate. Oink!". Salem didn't say anything else. Harlow dropped her fork "check mate". Ryan shook his head "can't believe she egged my car".

"I knew it! Kennedy is my new favorite person!" Harlow smiled. Salem got up after eating and went to her room. "Harlow that was a little harsh what you said" kai said.

"I start it! She did. Don't dish out what you can't take" Harlow said.

"She egged my car! I think I'm in love with Kennedy" Ryan said. We all laughed when he said that. Kai nodded "I know the feeling" he held up summers hand and kissed it. Lord my boys are turning into love struck men.



Standing in front of the mirror in only my panties and bra. Just examining my body. Seeing all the problem areas. I felt fat. Especially after binging on dinner. Now that joke I told at dinner wasn't a joke.
Just wanted to see how the reaction would be. Walking to the bathroom I closed the door locking it.
Sticking two fingers down my throat I allowed all the food I ate escape through my throat and into the toilet bowl.

Catching my breath and wiping the tears from my eyes. I opened the door and ran to my room. Taking out the napkin that was folded in my jacket pocket.
Opening it I saw the pill that my friend gave to me before. Putting the pill in my mouth I swallowed it. Laying in my bed I felt weightless. Sleep came on quickly.

About two hours later I awoke. Sweating and all. My pillow was drenched. Feeling a little loopy still from the pill. Wiping off the wetness from my head. I turned my pillow over and went back to sleep. This would be the best sleep I had in months. I was ready for some good dreams.

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