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Kennedy used to go to the same school as me but because of our breakup her mom feels that separation at all cost is a good thing. Like, I can't drive to the all girls private school. Actually that's where I am now. Waiting for her to come out.

Since I'm graduating this year the seniors get to leave earlier than the rest of the school.

Kennedy is taking a little longer than usual to come back to me. So now, I'm going to try and speed up the process. Hearing the bell ring and students walking out. I spotted her with two other girls laughing. I honked my horn catching her attention. She rolled her eyes and mouthed "great".

She gradually walked to my car "you do know stalking is a crime".

"I'm not stalking. Just trying to get my girlfriend back" I smiled.

She sighed "what do you want?".

"Get in! I'll take you home" I said. She looked at her two friends and back at me "straight home!". I nodded and opened the door. She just doesn't realize I'm going to take the longest way to her house.

"So how's catholic school?" I asked.

She shrugged "I hate it but at the moment I don't have a choice".

"How your family?" She asked.

"There's a lot going on with Salem and Kai. But everything will soon be handled" I said. Silence filled the car. Putting on the radio she smiled "remember this song?! When we went on that date and you tripped. Classic!".

"Hey, Hey...I actually had cuts from falling that night but it was a good time" I smiled.

"Yeah... we had some good times. I liked it when we could be together and laugh and be silly. But then you would turn to be this asshole. It was too much" she said.

"And I apologize. I get it... sometimes I lose myself. But I'm willing to try again for you" I said. She stared out the window "Ryan my mom really doesn't like you. And... I don't know if I can trust you. You can say all of this and then boom back to old Ryan".

"Kennedy I really do love you. You are the only girl who gets me" I said.

She shook her head "I'm not sure if you understand how psycho you can be. Hence the other day I had to egg your car. You were so rude to my guy friend!".

"Kennedy he wasn't a friend. Guys can't be friends with females. That's a scientific fact!" I said.

"Well he's my friend, Ryan! Point of the matter is you assumed he liked me and went straight at being rude!" She said.

"Okay how would you feel if I was with a female who was my friend?" I asked.

She shrugged "you were with jasmine and I didn't care so..." she's such a rock!

"That was the wrong answer. But don't act like if we got back together and you saw me with another girl. You wouldn't be jealous".

"See there's a difference between you and I. I'm very secure within myself. For you, you aren't. And that's clearly not my problem" she said. This talk wasn't going as smooth as I would like it.

"Oh and make sure to drop me on the corner cause of my mom sees me coming out the car it won't end well for you" she warned.

"She's still mad about what happened?" I asked.

She nodded "Ryan really? You flipped the hell out when we were arguing and punched my room wall!".

"That was years ago. Tell your mom to let it go" I joked. Kennedy titled her head with all seriousness on her face "not funny!".

"I see someone isn't in the mood to laugh" I said.

"Why did you take the longest road to take me home?" She asked.

"So we can talk" I smiled.

She shook her head "you always have a plan don't you?".

"Always!" I said.

Pulling up to the corner she grabbed her bag "well thanks for the ride and do not do this again!".

"Kennedy you act hard but you're a softy. But I get it you have to put on a show for your moms and friends" I said.

She flipped me off "leave!".

Blowing her a kiss... I smiled and drove off. This actually went better than I originally thought. Kennedy will be mine again. Despite what her mother thinks.

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