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"Harlow? Come on!!!! I know you like me liking you" this annoying boy yelled. Flipping him off as Bianca and I walked through the hallway. No offense I don't want a boyfriend. Too much stress and I don't have time for it.

"Eww I don't even know why he keeps trying!" Bianca joked.

"Cause boys are stupid! Their brains are so much smaller than us females!" I said. Feeling a bump to my shoulder causing me to shift. I turned to see this girl once again. Now originally I was going to keep walking but the Bruce Lee in me said no. Standing there "didn't get enough at the dance?".

She came close to me with a smirk "heard your sister is a drug addict!".

"She's not a drug addict like your mother... oops sorry she chose the drugs over you" I said. Her whole face changed "well my brother smokes with her and says she's a full blown addict. Knew your whole family was weird! Even seeing the different shades. Weirdos!".

Now I should've walked away. But Salem is my sister even though we don't mix well. But she's still family and I protect mine. Before I knew it my arm raised and my hand chopped her right in her throat. She dropped down gasping for air. Everything was going slow... turning to see Bianca covering her mouth and her eyes wide!. Glancing back the one on the floor she was still gasping for air.

Moments later I watched her get taken out of school on a stretcher. She looked fine to me!. Sitting outside the principals office until I saw dad running inside to me "what happened?!".

"Where's mom?" Usually she shows up. It was a bit weird he was here. "She's at a doctor appointment for your younger siblings! What did you do?".

"Self defense" I shrugged. The principal came out his office and motioned us to come inside his office. We took a seat "Harlow do you realize the extend of trouble you could be in right now?".

"No offense. But she looked fine to me. She's being extra dramatic" I said. The principal sighed "Harlow here decided to hit another student in her throat causing her to lose her breath for a couple of seconds. Poor thing thought she was going to die!".

"But did she? No" I said.

"Harlow why made you hit this girl? And didn't mom have you promise her to not use your karate lessons on anyone?" My dad asked.

"Trust me when I say.... Harlow doesn't need karate lessons" my principal chimed in.

"Anyway she was saying how Salem was a drug addict. So I just reacted the only way I knew how. I chopped her in her neck."

"Throat... in... her... throat" my principal said.

"See you're making it sound worse than what it is" I said.

"I understand you want to protect your family but you cannot put your hands on others! Especially using what you learned in karate" he said.

"Fine" I said.

My dad turned to the principal "so what happens now?!".

"Well she will be suspended for three days. Poor girl was traumatized by what happened" I rolled my eyes "my god she's faking it!".

"Harlow shush!" My dad said.

"Maybe you should limit the karate lessons" he suggested. Squinting my eyes at him cause what I wanted to say I couldn't. My dad sighed "well come on Harlow and thank you". Getting up I walked out with my dad.

"I don't get why I'm getting in trouble for defending myself" I said. He started the car "this girl could've pressed charges on you for assault... you can't go around putting hands on people".

"But you do it! Especially when it comes to mom" I said.

"That's not the same thing" he said.

"Actually it is. And you didn't get in trouble" I said.

"Well I'm an adult and you are a child.... there's the difference" he said.

"That's a dumb excuse. The point is you put your hands on other guys that you assume was coming after mom. And you didn't get in trouble. So I don't get why I'm defending myself and technically Salem and I get in trouble. This whole thing sounds racist. I guarantee if it was another black student this wouldn't be such a big deal. But she's white so it matters. This country is so unfair" I said.

"Harlow race doesn't matter. I'm white and I still have consequences to face" he said.

"Really? When? Please let me know" I said. He couldn't even answer.

"Exactly! Race has a lot to do with it and you wouldn't understand. No offense dad but you are the classic white person. Blonde hair, light eyes and white skin. This is why I needed mom. She would understand where I'm coming from" I said.

"Sounds like you're trying to find an excuse so you wouldn't get in trouble" he said.

"Next topic! Not in the mood to keep talking about this with someone who obviously has a one track mind" I said.

"Harlow you do know you are mixed, right?" He asked.

I nodded "I know that. But when you look at me what do you see? A black girl. I'm not light like Salem. She looks mixed or Kai who looks like you. Even ryan looks mixed. I'm the darkest one out of all of them".

He didn't even answer me or continue the conversation. Good riddance. Mom would be a better person to speak to about this.

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