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Sitting here with Salem. She finally fell asleep with the help of some medication the nurse gave her. I was beyond furious. Pacing the room just thinking. Poor Salem! She had to experience what happened to her all over again. This man has to be dealt with whomever he is.

"Hey how is she doing?!" Gia asked walking inside the room. She had to go home to tend to the other kids. Especially the younger two. I chose to stay here with Salem.

"She finally went to sleep" I said.

"Oh good! Her body needs rest" she said.

"I'm so upset about what happened. I blamed myself for why she got raped. Maybe it I was more aware on what she was doing it wouldn't have happened".

"Delano don't blame yourself! That's the worse thing you can do" Gia said.

"And now the asshole has the audacity to show his face around town?!" I said.

"I get your upset trust me I do. But we don't know who this guy is. That makes it that much harder to find him" I said.

Punching the chair really hard. I was pissed "I couldn't even imagine what Salem went through".

"It sucks! But all we can do is get her as much help as she we can so she can begin to heal" she said.

I nodded "you're right".

"Don't want Salem to end up like I did when I kept my rape a secret for years... I started to self mutilate". Staring at Salem as she slept. The only peace she has is when her eyes are closed. Caressing Salem's hair slowly "don't worry daddy will take care of whomever did this to you, I promise!".

Gia titled her head in question "interesting..."

"What?" I asked.

"You are so attentive and emotional when it comes to a situation to Salem. But you couldn't show that to Harlow when she was explaining the whole racism thing" she said.

"Can we not do this here?" I pleaded.

Gia put her hands up "fine just wanted to point that out to you. Don't just show one child that emotion that another one is craving". She opened the door and walked out. Putting my focus back on Salem. I wish I could jump inside her mind and just see who this guy is.



Tapping my foot on the ground. Waiting for dad to take me to karate. There was a tournament that I was participating in since I'm really good. Looking around hoping to see his truck come around the corner but nothing.

Now I'm late!... one thing I hated what being late somewhere. I was usually punctual. Ryan came out his room "what are you waiting for?".

"Dad promised to take me to my tournament today and he's nowhere to be found" I said.

"Oh he's at the hospital with Salem" he said. Should've known he would be there with her. What else is new. I sighed "oh".

"Yeah even though it happened yesterday. Dad doesn't want to leave her alone" he said.

"Whatever! Can you take me? I'm already late! And since you drive like vin diesel I can still make it" I said. He shrugged "fine let me get my keys". Oh thank god for Ryan! I ran to his car and waited for him. He came out and got in. Starting the car up he sped off.

We got there in less then ten minutes. He actually stayed to watch me too. Which was cool of him.



I couldn't leave the twins alone. So I stopped by to see how Salem was doing. The doctor wanted to keep her overnight for observation. After she comes home my therapist told me to FaceTime her so she could speak to Salem.

When I got back home kai and summer was babysitting. Figuring since they can't keep their hands off each other have them watch the twins. Summer smiled "these two are the best". Kai smiled "Summer is going to be such a good mom one day".

"Alright break it up! Thanks for babysitting!" I said. They both ran out the room and outside. Harlow walked in with a trophy along with Ryan who was cheering her on. "What is this?" I asked.

"My karate tournament trophy! I won!" She said.

Ryan nodded "Harlow is beast! She was beating ass!".

"Wow! I'm proud of you!" Hugging Harlow "now here to put this huge thing?".

"My room, Duh!" She said.

"Wait wasn't that the tournament daddy was suppose to take you?" I asked.

Harlow shrugged "he's busy with Salem".

"You know he would've been there if she wasn't in there" I said.

"Would he?" She asked. Taking her big trophy to her room. Oh boy! Here we go!

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