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[ two months later]...


Things around here are just crazy. Weirdly enough, summers dad hasn't been harassing us. She's getting accustomed to our house now. But I made some rules for both her and Kai. Last thing we all need is one of them telling me they're expecting. So to try and prevent that she sleeps in Harlow's room. At least I know Harlow will be watch.

Opening the twins room door I saw Delano and Ryder out cold. Every time (exception of Harlow) we have a girl... it's always Delano. They latch onto him. Ryder and Delano are very close. She's like Salem at that age. Daddy is everything. River on the other hand may resemble Kai but acts like Ryan. Always up to something.

After breakfast the kids went to school. Salem came running out the bathroom "hurry up before you're late" I said. She nodded and ran out the door. River went walking down the hallway. Hearing a crash I raced to where he was. He wasn't hurt by any means but now my perfume bottle was cracked. Picking it up I noticed the toilet was messy. What the hell?!. Smelt like vomit. Turning to the hand towel their was mascara stains on it. Not my hand towels!

Thinking back who was in here last...

Salem!. Putting the pieces together I covered my mouth. Running to wake up Delano. He jumped up "what's wrong?!".

"Salem is making herself throw up!" I yelled. He raised his brow "I think you're jumping the gun".

"Delano listen to me! Salem is in big trouble! She's suffering from bulimia! Trust me I know. This could eventually kill her if she doesn't stop!" I said. Delano sighed rubbing his face "what do we do?".

"She needs help! We have to get her help" I said. He sat there and stared at me "you look so sexy when you're worried".

"Not now!" I warned. He got up placing Ryder in her bed. "Maybe if we come together in harmony... then we can come up with more ideas". He pulled me to him. "That won't work and you know it!". He smirked "I know".

After our rendezvous I went online researching what we could do for her. Printing out some papers... I looked up my therapist back in Nevada. She is the best at what she does. Time quickly crept up on me. Hearing the front door open and shut I peeked to see Salem. Getting up I hugged her. She tensed up "why?".

"Because I love you and you are my daughter so that gives me the right to hug you" I said.

"Yeah this is weird" she said. Pulling away from her I just stared. She didn't look like the girl I once knew. Her eyes just screamed at me. "Mom can you stop being weird?!".

"Umm look I want to ask you something... are you making yourself throw up?" She looked away but smiled a little "if I say yes will you leave me alone?".

"No! But if you say yes... then I can get you some help" I said. She threw her arms up "what help?! I can't be helped! I'm damaged goods!. Just let me fall on my own".

"Are you crazy?! Damaged goods?! Don't ever think of yourself like that. You are an beautiful, amazing young girl. Salem just please let us help you" I said. She looked around "who's us?".

"Dad and I" I said.

"Dad?!!!!" She yelled. Delano came out "yeah?".

"Do you think I need help? Be honest" Salem said. He looked at her and back at me "Salem I do think talking to someone would be the best thing".

"Mom here is making it seem I need more help" she said.

Delano shrugged "maybe you do... mom would know she's been in this situation before". Salem sucked her teeth "unbelievable!".

"Well... I guess since you couldn't manipulate your father that means you're going to get help! I made an appointment for you to speak to my old therapist! And it'll just be you and her. No one else".

"Oh wow! Thanks mom!" She sarcastically said.

"Salem look I'm trying to be nice here but don't make me turn..." I said. She rolled her eyes "can I go now?!".

"Umm one last thing... we are going to do surprise drug testing. Just to make sure you aren't using!" Pulling out the cup "surprise! Go pee!". Her eyes opened wide "you can't be serious?".

"I know right! But I wish we didn't have to do this" I said. She grabbed the cup and stormed off to the bathroom slamming the door. Walking to the bathroom I knocked "door open please. You want to be a user then you'll get treated like one". She sighed and pee'd in the cup looking away from me.

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