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"How did the tournament turn out?" Bianca asked.

"Well I won!" I said. She hugged me "oh good! Knew you could do it!".

"Thanks" she raised her brow "what's wrong with you?".

"Just family stuff. Do you think I'm dark?" I asked. Bianca looked confused "you look regular, why?".

"Just wanted to know that's all" I said.

"You know my aunt didn't like her skin and she bleached it to become lighter! But the only thing was her knuckles were still dark!" She said.

"Bleach? Where can I get that from?" I asked.

She shrugged "I don't know! But why would you bleach your skin?".

"So that my dad can actually like me like he does my older sister" I said.  

"Whoa! If your dad doesn't like you for you then he's the one who's missing out on an amazing person" she said.

"I'm tired of feeling left out. So I want to try something" I said.

"Well if he doesn't show you any change in attention... you could always come live with me. Just a suggestion" she said.

"I just need to find where I can find bleach cream" I said.

"You know what?! I'll ask my aunt later. Then I'll call you" she said.

"Bianca you're the best!" I smiled. We both walked to class. After school I walked out the building to see my dads truck parked out front. Looking around because I was confused on why he's here. Doesn't he have to babysit Salem?. He started honking the horn like crazy. Still standing there not moving. He rolled down the passenger side window "get in!".

Slowly walking to his truck. He had opened the door for me. Looking at him before getting inside. "Ryan couldn't come get you so he asked me to". Sitting down I closed the door. He's never picked me up from school nor take me to school. Putting on my belt I just stared out the window.

"How was school?" He asked.

"It was okay" I said.

He glanced at me every now and then "before we go home I need to stop at the store". I nodded with nothing said. We pulled up to the market "come on let's go get this Cake mix for mom". Hoping out the truck I walked a little behind him. In the store we were looking for the mix. I was walking around trying to find the one she used. Doubt he knew what brand to get. Circling around him... this older Caucasian lady who worked there kept watching me. Ignoring her I walked with the mix and was out of her eye sight.

Handing my dad the mix we walked to the register. That same woman approached me "excuse me?! Hand it over you theif".

"Huh?" She caught me off guard.

"I saw you stealing that cake mix! Hand it over! Or I'm calling the police" she warned.

"Are you crazy? I didn't steal anything!" I said. My dad turned around "she didn't steal anything!".

"Excuse me, sir is she bothering you?! Little girls like her are thieves!" She said.

"Little girls like me? What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. She came close to me "black girls like you are thieves!". My mouth opened "wow that was racist!".

"Look my daughter didn't steal anything. Now if you could leave us alone!" My dad said.

"Sir, don't stick up for this thief" she said.

"This little girl is my daughter. Now if you don't stop harassing her I'll have to call the cops myself" he said. She took a step back looking from my dad to me "well my mistake!". She looked at me again and sneered. I was in somewhat shock that this just happened to me. "Come on lets go" my dad said.

Sitting in his truck my focus was on the trees outside. But my mind was replaying what just happened. Did I just get racially profiled in a market?.

"That lady was crazy... assuming you stole that mix!" He said.

"She wasn't crazy! She was clearly racist" I said.

He didn't say anything.

"Wow! My second racial experience. I'm in shock" I said. He looked at me "are you okay?".

Continuing to just stare "I'm not sure".

We stopped at a red light. "Can we stop at target? I need to get something?". He nodded "yeah whatever you want". This bleach cream needs to happen now. Hopefully target has something.

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