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My phone rang "hello?".

"Hey it's me! Look Kai was assaulted by the cop who arrested him and now he's in the hospital with trauma to his stomach. Harlow and I are going to stay here overnight and see what happens in the morning. But he's okay and so are we" Gia said.

My mind was wheeling "Kai is in the hospital?! Did you guys take pictures of his injuries and get a copy of the hospital report?!".

"Dad I got that hours ago. Come on!" Harlow yelled.

"Oh right!.Well be safe" I said.

"We will just keep summer company. I can imagine she's a little distraught" she said. Turning to summer who was fetus position on the couch "okay". Ending the call I walked over to her "you okay?".

She sniffled "yeah I'm better".

"Well Kai is in the hospital. But he's okay. Hopefully he will be home tomorrow" I said.

She gasped "what?! Oh my god this is all my fault!".

"Summer don't blame yourself! You couldn't stop your dad from arresting Kai" I said. She didn't say anything but looked at her fingers. "If I tell you something can your promise you won't tell?".

"Depending on what it is" I said.

"Umm... my dad...he— roughs me up. When he can't control his anger he takes it out on me. Kai doesn't even know about this. Please don't tell him! When he found out Kai and I were dating he was so mad. He waited for me to come home from school. Grabbing my arms and throwing me to the wall. He cursed at me and called me names. That's when he pulled his gun out and pointed at me saying he can kill me and no one will know".

I was stunned! This girl just opened up to me about her dad abusing her. Salem came out her room "what's all this?".

"Kai is in the hospital..." I said.

Salem panicked "what? Why?! We have to go!!' Come on!!!" Trying to calm her down a little so she doesn't upset summer anymore. But then the baby monitor went off. "Look summer Umm Salem here can maybe talk to you... while I go see on the twins". Summer looked at me and back at Salem who was still panicking.



"Why is my brother in the hospital?" I asked.

Summer wiped her eyes "my dad arrested him because he doesn't like the fact we are dating".

"Say what?! Did Kai know your dad is a cop?" I asked.

She nodded "he knew... I'm so sorry about all of this.
I should've told Kai everything. But I didn't want him to look at me different or judge me".

"What do you mean?" I asked. Summer went to on to explain what her dad does to her. My heart broke for her. Pulling her into hug and she cried some more. "You know summer about a year ago I was raped".

She pulled back and wide eyed me "really?! Oh wow I'm so sorry".

I nodded "yeah so I can somewhat relate to what you're dealing with".

"Did you find the guy who raped you?" She asked.

"No, but soon" I said.

She pulled me into a hug "you need this more than me".



"No! Ryan do not go down to the precinct! You'll get in trouble!" I pleaded. "No please just stay home! Let me handle this! I know he hurt Kai but killing him there won't help anyone! Okay! Please! Promise me you won't do anything?! Promise me!" I said. He ended the call and sighed "lord that boy is crazy".

"He's not crazy mom! He's just very protective" Harlow said.

Looking at Kai who was waking up. He smiled at us "you stayed?".

I nodded "we wouldn't leave you here alone". He tried to sit up but he was still in pain "don't stress yourself".

He cleared his throat "where's summer?".

"She's at our home" I said.

"Oh good! She can't go back to her home" he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I may be crazy but I have a feeling summers dad is hitting her" he said.

"Kai that's some serious accusations your making. Do you have any proof?" He nodded "she doesn't know but I saw a faded bruise on her upper arm".

My heart broke. For any child being abused in anyway shape or form is heartbreaking. "Damn summer".

"So do we take him out now? I can speed dial Ryan" Harlow said.

"No not yet! And can we not speak about this here. People could be listening" I said. Harlow pointed at me nodding "I was slipping sorry".

Kai laughed "Harlow never fails to make me laugh".

"It's what I do besides what I can't say here" she whispered. The doctor came in me assured us that Kai was cleared to go on home. I couldn't be happier. Just that he won't be able to go back to school for two weeks. That's not a problem. As long as I could protect him that's all that matters to me.

Secret Mistake - 4Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat